My Great Great Aunt Lucy  made these lovely doilies way back in the day... 1908... as she & her husband, my Great Great Uncle Amos, traveled in a covered wagon from Clovis, New Mexico, to Browning, Missouri.   They traveled alone as wagon trains had ceased to exist due to Railways and Canals.  However, people still traveled in covered wagons because in many areas there wasn't the option of train or canal.  AND, it was much cheaper to haul your goods by yourself in a covered wagon.  My aunt and uncle were going to homestead in Browning. 

They are in Very Good Condition with no holes, rips, fraying, tears, loose ends, stains, goobers, or other unsightly atrocities. 

Measurements:  Largest: 20" x 18"        Medium: 16" x 10-1/2"    Small (2): 11" x 9-3/4"