Up for sale is a set of 6 individual 1980's TSR style dice (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12 and 1d20). These are not ORIGINAL TSR dice, but rather 1st generation clones of the actual dice. so they are as close to original as you can get for the price. The actual items for sale are shown in the 1st photo.  
These are like what you would have found included with Original TSR boxed sets like the D&D basic or Advanced sets, or in the TSR Dragon Dice (#8005) sets. They are somewhat smaller- and were always kind of smaller and cheaper than some of the other dice you could buy back then, but these are definitely more nostalgic. 
I recently started playing the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons "Slave Lords" module series with some friends. Just out of nostalgia we got out all our old 1st addition AD&D books and while reminiscing, we found we had 1 complete set of these old dice (see the photo of the dark and light blue dice- these were the original dice i cloned to make the dice for sale in this auction). 
I really wanted a nice complete set for myself, so i started looking around on ebay. complete sets in decent shape were stupid expensive. As a result I decided to just clone myself a set (i have had a long and very good history on ebay of crafting and selling replacement parts for vintage toy lines and role playing game miniatures, so this wasn't something new or difficult for me).
The dice set came out so well everyone in our group wanted a  set, and they were so impressed  with the likeness to the originals that i decided to see if there was any interest from other vintage gamers or collectors. 
THIS set comes in a light blue color BUT if you prefer another color (yellow, dark blue, red, pink or green) just mention it in the comments after purchasing and I'll make sure your dice are that color. However they will be solid plastic, no marbling or swirls or metallic. 
Like the originals the numerals are not colored in, you'll need to buy a crayon and color them in just like with the originals (see the instructions from the back of the dragon dice photo). i included a couple photos of my set of these dice with the numbers filled in so you can see how great they look. 
these dice are made by me, they are made out of plastic- not 3d printed, and do show signs of wear that were present on the original dice (these are clones any defects on the originals are faithfully reproduced on the clones)
I will ship the dice within 3 business days of receiving confirmed payment. domestic shipping is 3.60 USD, international shipping is outrageous but i have no control over it. International shipping is 15.00 USD. 
PLEASE examine the photos carefully and ask questions before buying as returns are not accepted. the actual 6 dice for sale are shown in the first photo (and are unpainted - numerically), the photo with the dark and light blue dice are a photo of the original dice and these clones- so you can compare them.  the photo of these blue dice and the yellow/red dice are to show these vintage dice vs. a modern set of dice (scale). lastly there are a couple photos of my set of these clones with the numerals painted (with a white crayon)- to show how great they look.  then there are a couple dragon dice packaging examples. Note that these dice are sold loose without any packaging