I have some inventory of a now defunct Ancient Kauri woodworking shop and gift store in New Zealand. Amongst the dozens of boxes I found these Maori masks carved out of Ancient Kauri. This Ancient Kauri has beed carbon dated to at least 50,000 years old. It was knocked down by some geologic or weather event in prehistoric times and was preserved in the swamp bogs of the northern part of the North Island of New Zealand. It has been radio carbon dated. The back of the mask says "Hand Crafted" but the actual carving was probably machine. The eyes are what they call "Paua Shell", it looks like abalone. The mask design is very typical of the Maori war masks.
A note on Ancient Kauri. It is a very rare wood and no more of it is being extracted so when the very small existing supply is gone its over! There will be NO MORE!
I have 4 of these. I might post other items as I find them.

Thank you.