一路蓮花  The Snow Lotus

藏傳佛教千年經文隨性吟唱 完全即興唯美豎琴溫暖綻放
Musical interpretations of timeless Tibetan scriptures, with harp improvisations.

吟唱:热西·才让旦   竖琴:张小音

Vocals: Tsering Tan   Harp: Zhang Xiaoyin

天地之间,哪里是安身处? 一路寻觅,转山转水转佛塔。



A place never seen nor heard of, which only exists in one’s dreams…

Only when turning back does one suddenly realize

What the eternally shimmering lotus flowers holds within

Track Listing  曲目

1.蓮師祈請文                                       3:33
Chant for Padum
2.遙喚上師                                         7:40
The Root Guru
3.菩提心                                            4:45
Heart of Bodhi
4.米拉日巴禮贊歌                                    5:43
Ode to Milarepa
5.四皈依                                            8:37
The Ceremony
6.殊勝司德妙法語                                    6:37
The Essence of Life
7.祈願                                              5:09
8.法王如意寶.卓瑪次仁祈請文                          5:55
The Jewel of Dharma Raja – Chant for Dolma Tsering
9.藥師佛心咒                                         6:48
Inner Mantra of the Medicine Guru
10.觀音祈請文                                        4:57
Chant for Bodhisattva
11.皈依發心                                          5:41
The Long Path

Total: 65:31




Tsering Tan (Tibetan Singer)

Director in General, Shangri-la Folk Music Preservation Association
Internationally recognized ambassador of Tibetan music and culture

Tsering Tan’s first album Shangri-la was released in 2007, produced in collaboration with musicians from Mainland China and Hong Kong. The album had widespread influence throughout China, as well as in other regions, receiving several awards, including the Audiophile award for Best Music Album and Best World Music Album. 
Tsering Tan was born in a shepherd family on the grasslands of Maqu Township, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province. He studied voice and dance at Lanzhou Northwest Ethic Peoples University and China Central Ethic Peoples University.
In 2008, Tsering Tan established the Shangri-la Folk Music Preservation Association, a non-profit organization which is committed to the collection, preservation and inheritance of the traditional Tibetan music.
Tsering Tan’s unique music style and his outstanding charitable contributions have not only received the support from individuals and organizations throughout the world, but have also been the focus of national and international media outlets, such as National Geographic, Phoenix TV, the Travel Channel, and China Youth Daily.


Shangri-la Folk Music Preservation Association

The Shangri-la Folk Music Preservation Association (SFMPA) was established under the support of the Yunnan Province government’s national culture province development policy, which was officially approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Culture as an NGO organization on Oct. 27, 2008. The SFMPA aims at the preservation and legacy of precious folk cultural heritages, and while based in local communities, works to serve the entire world. SFMPA’s is committed the preservation and promotion of Tibet’s unique musical folkways to the world and allow more and more people to enjoy and share in it. As an age-old reflection and heritage of the human spirit, folk music possesses historical, cultural and artistic values beyond measure. The SFMPA’s mission is to collect and conserve those intangible cultural heritages which are on the verge of disappearance, utilizing a variety of academic and dynamic methods and resources. The SPMPA strives to use all means available to continue the practice of these cultural treasures.


    2003年秋,選擇進入美國波士頓音樂學院攻讀音樂碩士學位,師從Ms. Cynthia Price-Glynn,Ms. Ursula Holliger和Hancy Hurrell。在學習中,學院對她優秀的文化課,專業課成績以及出色的演出高度認可;由於出色表現,她的事例榮幸的被學院刊登在2004年的校刊‘STAGE’中。
    2005年獲得了波士頓音樂學院音樂碩士學位。同年,受波士頓音樂學院管弦系教授Ms. Cynthia Price-Glynn的邀請攻讀演奏家學位。

Zhang Xiaoyin, Harp: 

    Zhang Xiaoyin began her musical studies at the age of five. A few years later she was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music Elementary School, where she studied piano with Professor Weilin Li, then later shifted her focus to the harp. Following graduation from the Central Conservatory of Music High School, Zhang was accepted by the Central Conservatory of Music as a harp major, in addition to receiving numerous scholarships.
   In 2003, Zhang received full scholarships from both the British Royal Academy of Music and Boston Conservatory of Music. She would ultimately choose the Boston Conservatory of Music, where she studied with Cynthia Price-Glynn, Ursula Holliger and Nancy Hurrell, earning her Master’s degree in Harp Performance in 2005.
    Following her return to China in 2006, Zhang auditioned with the China Philharmonic Orchestra, and is currently principle harp performer. Zhang is one of China’s rising musical stars, and is in great demand both as a classical musician and a soloist. She also contributes her talents to a wide range of radio, film and television projects.
In 2011, Rhymoi Music released the first audiophile-quality recording of music for solo harp made in China, the compilation, Harp Dreams: Magic from 47 Strings. In the same year, Rhymoi hosted a live performance for Zhang at the Beijing Concert Hall, featuring music from the album.

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