The Coated Powerstroke® 4 is a 2-ply version of the Powerstroke® 3. Powerstroke® 4's offer more durability and focused mid range tones making them the darkest sounding of the classic coated Weatherking heads. . Features/Benefits: . Batter; Powerstroke 4; Coated; 22" Diameter
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Remo Coated Powerstroke 4 Bass Drum Head (Dot On Top), 22-inch


The Coated Powerstroke® 4 is a 2-ply version of the Powerstroke® 3. Powerstroke® 4's offer more durability and focused mid range tones making them the darkest sounding of the classic coated Weatherking heads. . Features/Benefits: . Batter; Powerstroke 4; Coated; 22" Diameter



Product Details

Length 24.000
Width 24.000
Height 2.000
Weight 2.0000
UPC 757242393772