古佳耶 Gujiaye – A Simple Soul


NaMula –The music of north China’s nomads played on cello

Produced by: Rhymoi Music. Co., Ltd









About the artist:

Na Mula is a highly regarded cellist and educator and is currently the Director of the Cello Department as well as Professor and Post-graduate supervisor at the Music School Attached at The Central Conservatory in Beijing, China.  

Na Mula has participated in many major performances locally and abroad, and held a number of solo recitals, chamber music concerts and lectures in many countries and regions. Na Mula put on many public performances in major cities both at home and abroad with the delegation of the Chinese Musicians. She has been a permanent professor at the Canadian Morningside Music Bridge.

She is committed to education. Her students are all primary players in top class orchestras, and they have won dozens of gold medals in international competitions, especially in Tchaikovsky International Youth Music Competition 2002, China won the first cello gold medal. Na Mula has won dozens of awards including Tchaikovsky International Youth Music Competition Prominent Teacher Award, China Baogang Outstanding Teacher Award and China Young Pioneer Committee's Prominent Teacher Award, etc.

Following her graduation with outstanding scores from the Central Conservatory of Music in 1992, she became a teacher in the school, and released her first video and music cassette recording, "Cello and Piano". China International Television has also released many of her teaching CDs and DVDs including "Cello Classroom Teaching" , and "Original New Works of Cello".  She edited "Three Cello Masterpieces", "Amateur Graded Examination Course" (two volumes) for the Central Conservatory, "Cello Class", and more. In addition, she wrote "A Brief Discussion of Cello Teaching", and a series of articles on cello teaching for the magazine, Young Musician. She given a number of public lectures at the National Grand Theater, and was selected as a special artistic representative at the 2009 TCU Cellofest. Prof. Na’s teaching and performances are well known in China and are regularly featured in Chinese media.



作曲家简介: 代博






2011年,委约创作交响作品《咏》由法国小提琴家Olivier Charlier 与大提琴家、指挥家朱亦兵以及中央音乐学院青年室内乐团在国家大剧院首演。2012年新乐队作品《幻蝶》由波兰指挥家西蒙•贝瓦莱茨指挥波兰新室内乐团,在波兰皇家城堡音乐厅首演。同年,携原创舞蹈音乐《时间的长河》应邀在莫斯科与舞蹈家刘岩合作演出。2013年获法国巴黎银行钢琴音乐节“明日之星”奖。同年,入围The Intimacy of Creatvity 2013, 作为唯一的中国作曲家参加世界青年作曲家论坛,并与小提琴家林昭亮成功演出其作品《空谷幽兰》。2014年的乐队作品《看不见的山》获贝多芬协会国际作曲比赛大奖, 2015年,音乐舞蹈作品《倒影》在国家大剧院上演。同年,受波兰密茨凯维奇学院委约原创作品《沃依茨基圆号协奏曲》,与华沙交响乐团在华沙犹太历史纪念馆音乐厅首演。并在潘德列茨基欧洲音乐中心,与华沙爱乐首席、小提琴家玛利亚•马霍夫斯卡举行了钢琴&小提琴二重奏演出。2016年在北京中山公园音乐堂举办的钢琴独奏音乐会,将巴赫《赋格的艺术》呈现在中国的舞台上,更是引起了现场观众的极大好评。自2012年,连续入选“漫步者音乐家基金”。


 About the composer:

Dai Bo,

Young composer & pianist  


he is a doctoral candidate in composition at the China Central Conservatory of Music.

At the age of five, he turned blind due to an illness. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate in composition of Prof. Xiaogang Ye at the China Central Conservatory of Music.

Since 2006, he has taken part in the production and recording of numerous albums.

In 2012,his chamber orchestral work Illusion Butterfly was performed in the Warsaw Autumn Festival in Poland. In 2013, his work Kong Gu You Lan ( for violin and piano) performed by the violinist Cho-Liang Lin and him in Hong Kong.His orchestra work Invisible Mountain won second prize in the national composition competition held by Ludwig van Beethoven Association in 2014,premiered in Krakow and Trondheim. His horn concerto Vojski Concerto commissioned by IAM premiered in Warsaw in 2015. On March 2016 ,his piano recital performaned The art of Fugue and his own pieces Disappeared Landscapes in Forbidden City Concert Hall.

Since 2012, he has been selected consecutively as part of the Rovers Musicians Fund.

Track Listing  曲目

1、送亲Seeing off the Bride5:08

   2、我的小宝贝My Little Baby5:12


   4、白色的毡房The White Yurt3:05


   6、黑眉毛Dark Eyebrows6:23

   7、鸿雁Swan Goose9:16

   8、忠实的心儿想念你 My Faithful Heart Yearns for You2:55

   9、催眠歌 Lullaby 4:39

   10、布里亚特的孩子  Children of Buryat4:13

   11、黑云雀  Black Skylark7:59

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