Liard de France Louis XIV 1657 R Nimes -  Rare!!!!!

See pictures for a better impression.


( Always registered mail )

Los compradores internacionales deben tener en cuenta lo siguiente:  Siempre que el envio sea retenido por la aduana de su pais, en caso contrario no .Los POSIBLES aranceles, impuestos y cargos de importación no se incluyen en el precio del artículo ni en el costo de envío. Estos cargos son responsabilidad del comprador.
Averigua en la oficina de aduanas de tu país cuáles son estos costos adicionales antes de ofertar o comprar.

International buyers should note the following: Whenever sending is retained by the customs of his country, otherwise no .
The POSSIBLE duties, taxes and import charges are not included in the item price or cost Shipping. These charges are the responsibility of the buyer.
Have a look at the customs office of your country what these additional costs before bidding or buying.




-          One piece 4 £, 0.5 £ each additional piece up to 100 grams.

-          From 100 gr to 500 gr ( Doesn´t care quantity of articles ) : 8 £.

-          From 500 gr to 1 Kg : 13 £



-         One piece 7.5 $, 0.80 $ each additional piece up to 100 grams.

-         From 100 gr to 500 gr : 14 $

-         From 500 gr to 1 Kg : 27 $



-          4.8 EUR, additional pieces up to 100 grams 0.5 EUR

-          From 100 to 500 grams : 6 EUR

-          From 500 gr to 1 Kg : 9 EUR