Brand new unread paperback, 2003. Non-fiction, biographical, real life account.

When, at the age of 13, Gareth Gordon took an overdose, it was the first of several attempts he would make at taking his own life, which would finally culminate in his suicide at 24. Now Gareth's younger sister Hattie portrays with searing honesty the impact that her brother's long-term depression had on her family life. In so doing she explores her relationship with her mother, who also died prematurely from a rare illness, and researches medical and psychiatric records in an attempt to piece together the puzzle of what made her brother kill himself. In this absorbing and emotionally complex memoir, Hattie Gordon strives to understand the wreckage of her early years, to give life to her dead brother's memory and to find peace with herself. It is a book of extraordinary power and intensity, written by the daughter of the illustrator of the Wombles, Margaret Gordon, and the Literary Agent Giles Gordon who died last year. This book is endorsed by the Richmond Foundation which offers housing, care and support as well as vital rehabilitation and work opportunities to people with mental health-related problems. A proportion of the royalties will go to this registered charity.

About the Author: Hattie Gordon is a journalist working for The Brighton Argus. She is the daughter of the illustrator of The Wombles