This is POWASTAT, a voltage stabilizer designed to keep the voltage to a load up to 3.5kW at 230V.  If your supply voltage varies a lot through the day and particularly if it goes high overnight then excess power will be dissipated in your load by up to nearly 1% per excess volt.  Keeping the voltage at the European harmonized level of 230V will ensure you save power and money when the voltage goes over this. (BS 7671 App 2 Sect 15)

In the UK, the supply voltage often rises above 240V and can reach up to 255V at night.  If you have 24hr loads on then there is the opportunity with POWASTAT to reduce energy costs.  Primary circuit protection requires a type C 32A breaker or a HRC fuse.  Output requires RCD protection.
Typical annual savings are:

Supply V     Load W     W Saved    £ saved PA*

230              3500          0                 0
235              3653          153             402
240              3811          311              817
245              3971          471             1237
250              4135          635             1668
255              4302          802             2107

*savings based on 30p per kWh and a unity p.f
maximum savings will be achieved on 24h loads.

The output of POWASTAT is from a Watford Control motorised variable transformer (Rotavolt) so the waveform is synchronous and a pure sinewave.  Therefore, any type of load may be applied.  The transformer output is monitored by an IMO iSmart relay (PLC) which ensures a fast response to variations in the mains supply and adjusts the output to stay at 230v

This type of voltage stabiliser is ideal for single phase circuits up to 3.5kW.  For example lighting, refrigeration, fan motors, pumps etc which are on 24hr load.  The output is fixed at 230v ac +-1%.

Overall DIMs: 400 mm W x 600 mm H x 300 mm D

Mass: 25 kg


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