Art of the Jazz Organ Bass Line" (Beg. - Int.) 47 Lesson CD (approximately 50 minutes) plus 20 pg. booklet explaining notes, fingering and rhythms (no reading of musical notation required.) Includes RH/LH coordination activities. 

Geared towards people who are new to playing LH bassline, the emphasis is on developing solid timing and rhythm by playing the simple patterns along with the CD until they come automatically. - - Organ bass lines are broken down from the most complicated stuff (bounces, flips, passing tones, syncopated lines) to their simplest and most basic rudiments starting with taps and pulses... Simply stick the CD-R into your player and play along with the tracks to develop your rhythm, fingering, hand position and coordination. Each rudiment repeats itself for 40 seconds to a minute. (After learning the rudiment you can either work through the CD (recommended) or take it to other keys and tempos on your own.) 

Course contents - - 

standard timing 

1. Tap 

2. Pulse 

basic patterns 

3. Fifth Up 

4. Fifth Down 

5. Root > Fifth > Octave < Fifth 

6. Root > Fifth > Octave flip 

7. Flip + R 5 down 

8. 5 note bass pattern (ascending) 

9. 2 bar walk 

10. Triplet bounce 

11. 2 bar walk with Triplet bounce 

12. pick-up tone (fifth to target) 

13. pick-up tone + bounce (Root > Fifth > Octave < Fifth < Root) 

14. I to IV walk (two bar) 

15. I to IV walk w/ pick-up and bounce 

16. 5 note bass pattern (descending) 

bass patterns + comp 

17. 5 note bass pattern + comp 

18. 2 bar walk w/ comp on first beat 

19. comp only (w/ bent note) 

20. three soulful chords with pulsing root 

21. pick-up, flip < fifth < root bass pattern 

22. " " w/ three soulful chords 

23. " " w/ three soulful chords (groovy bounce) 

24. 2 bar walk w/ three soulful chords (groovy bounce variation) 

25. chromatic triplet pick-up (bass) 

26. JB w/ " " + fifth (bass pattern) 

27. " " w/ groovy I7 to V7#9 comp 

28. Groove Shuffle bass pattern 

29. three groovy chords (descending) comping pattern 

30. " " with groovin' shuffle bass pattern 

31. " " with one and three comp 

32. #9 comp with 2 bar walking pattern 

33. Chromatic #9 comp w/ " " 

34. three soulful chords shuffle w/ " " 

35. grinding style chromatic bass pattern 

36. " " w/ 4 and 1 comp 

37. harmonize groove walk 

licks and tricks 

38. The Burner (pentatonic w/ 2 bar walking pattern) 

39. The Burner (pt. 2) " " 

40. The Wailer " " 

41. Kansas City w/ 5 note walking bass pattern 

42. Shoutin' #9 w/ 2 bar walking pattern 

43. Shoutin' #9 w/ lick + " " 

44. Carribean (bass pattern) 

45. Carribean - - bass pattern + comp 

46. " " comp only 

47. "Everyday" walk + comp 

All tracks recorded in real time on a Hammond C-3 organ, with a direct line out to a Korg Digital Hard Drive Recorder then mastered to even out the levels and bring up the bass. 

This course is meant to be used as as a supplement to THE 7 SECRETS OF JAZZ & SOUL (see my other auctions)