Elodea Densa (Pondweed).

AKA Egeria Densa

Highly popular oxygenating pond plant.

You are buying 20 loose strands or stems and 20 weights.

Better value for money than your local fish shop!

Elodea densa (Now called Egeria densa) is an ideal plant for your pond. It will help with reducing nitrate in your tank and will improve water conditions for your fish.

These plants are stem plants which do not have roots.  Stem plants are on average around 8 inches in length. This is the most common form of aquatic plant, and once planted in the aquarium will soon grow roots and new leaves assuming correct care and attention is provided.

Elodea Densa is very adaptable, and doesn't mind cold, temperate, and tropical temperatures. Commonly used with GoldfishBetta fish and Paradise fish in small tanks and ponds. Commonly found in lakes and ponds and sometimes brackish water throughout North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. A great addition to aquariums and ponds. Trim ends and replant if you experience rapid or choking growth.

20 x 2" Aquatic Lead Weight

Useful to keep plants upright 

Oxygenating plants are a must for ponds and aquatic tanks to provide extra oxygen during daylight hours and help to ensure the water stays clean for longer.  A haven for fish to both hide from predators and spawn and great at encouraging all manner of pond creatures.

You will receive a total of 20 pieces of aquatic lead weight, approx 2" each in length.

I am also selling other oxygenating plants so please take a look at our other listings.