THIS PRODUCT IS A DEEP SKIN EXFOLIATOR (SKIN ABLATOR) THEREFORE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE IT BEFORE READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE INSTRUCTIONS. This product can only be used after following strictly the patch test instructions which last for over a week. The instruction link is printed on the box.  Only use it after you have read and understood the patch test instructions, the instructions for full use and the aftercare instructions. This product contains high percentage glycolic acid and it is meant to burn benign skin lesions hence you must follow the mandatory patch tests before use. Incorrect use can lead to some undesrired reactions as clearly stated in the instructions.  Do not attempt to use it before completing the full set of patch testing as described in detail in the instructions.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE BEFORE READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE INSTRUCTIONS. This product can only be used after following strictly the patch test instructions which last for over a week. The instruction link is printed on the box.  Only use it after you have read and understood the patch test instructions, the instructions for full use and the aftercare instructions.

What if doesn't work for me?

The XanthRemover has a high concentration of Glycolic Acid and hence it is very strong per se. However, in some circumstances, the user would like to get very strong burning or peeling effects especially when removing benign moles or perform very deep skin peels.

1) The first course of action is to increase the length of application. The longer the Product is kept on the skin, mole, Brown spot etc the deeper the burning or peeling effects.

2) If just keeping the Xanthremover gel on for longer does not cut it, then you can increase the effects of the XanthRemover by de-greasing the skin before applying the XanthRemover. The natural way of doing it is applying vinegar on the skin before the use of the XanthRemover. First you have to wash the skin thoroughly, then you dry it, and last using a cotton pad dipped into vinegar rub the skin a number of times with the cotton pad and vinegar. Dry the skin and apply the XanthRemover immediately after. This will enhance the effects of the XanthRemover.

3) If the use of vinegar is not enough for you the next step is Deep de-greasing using acetone. Wash the part of the skin you want to apply the XanthRemover on and once you dry it apply acetone rubbing it using a cotton cloth. Rub the area of the skin a number of times and then apply the XanthRemover once the skin is dry from the Acetone. Please be careful because the effects the XanthRemover will be very different from before. The burns and peeling effects will be much deeper

What is Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma (called by specialists xanthelasma palpebrarum ) is a particular type of Xanthoma, a yellowish deposit of fat underneath the skin, usually on the eyelids and/or around them. Therefore Xanthelasma can be referred to as a Xanthoma, but not vice-versa. The process in the formation of Xanthelasmas and Xanthomas are the same but we refer to Xanthelasmas only once the Xanthomas develop around the eyes or on the eyelids. Xanthelasmas are composed of xanthoma cells which are foamy formations with intracellular fat deposits primarily located within the upper reticular dermis and epidermis. Put more simply, Xanthelasmas are collections of certain types of fat, mostly cholesterol and triglycerides derived from food.

What are the Causes

  • High  LDL (?bad?) cholesterol or low HDL (?good?) cholesterol
  • Inherited high cholesterol (your doctor might call this familial hypercholesterolemia)
  • The Liver disease called primary biliary cirrhosis, which can raise cholesterol levels
  • Deficiency of familial lipoprotein lipase, the enzyme that breaks down lipids
  • Familial hypertriglyceridemia, a genetic condition that causes people to have higher amounts of triglycerides in their blood
  • Familial dyslipoproteinemia, a genetic condition that causes people to have higher amounts of lipids in their blood.

 What is XanthRemover 
The XanthRemover is the most effective, one of the safest and most inexpensive Xanthelasma Removal solution. Many people around the world have now removed their Xanthelasma by using the XanthRemover.

What are the ingredients?

The XanthRemover is based on different types of peelings depending on your type of Xanthelasmas and skin type. The most common are based o Glycolic Acid and Vitamin A and other natural ingredients that selectively help dissolve the fat present in the Xanthelasmas.

We are using two main ingredients, one is glycolic acid with a high percentage in the region of 70% to 95% and the second one is Vitamin A with its highest allowable concentration.

THIS PRODUCT IS A DEEP SKIN EXFOLIATOR (SKIN ABLATOR) THEREFORE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE IT BEFORE READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE INSTRUCTIONS. This product can only be used after following strictly the patch test instructions which last for over a week. The instruction link is printed on the box.  Only use it after you have read and understood the patch test instructions, the instructions for full use and the aftercare instructions. This product contains high percentage glycolic acid and it is meant to burn benign skin lesions hence you must follow the mandatory patch tests before use. Incorrect use can lead to some undesrired reactions as clearly stated in the instructions.  Do not attempt to use it before completing the full set of patch testing as described in detail in the instructions.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE BEFORE READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE INSTRUCTIONS. This product can only be used after following strictly the patch test instructions which last for over a week. The instruction link is printed on the box.  Only use it after you have read and understood the patch test instructions, the instructions for full use and the aftercare instructions.