Cleaning set for cellphones, all Iphones included:

Shipped faster than many others US sellers.

Problems with no-charging or disconnecting? No problem... 

Cleaning set for all Iphones, Ipads, any size (when is not charging correctly this kit could be a good alternative, all materials are isolated and ready to use. Just follow the instructions attached to each order.

Please send me a message telling me which color do you want, white or black. Thank you.

Package contains:

Two little stick dirt remover brush, one dust trapper brush, two anti-dust protector port covers, one rubber-covered metal pin and one pro-moistened touchscreen wipe per purchase. 

Kit comes with instructions English/Spanish.

A cleaned cellphone works and sounds better.

After cleaning, please always keep the ports covered with these protectors to avoid future problems.

Important: if after cleaning, the phone still does not charge? change the charging cord or the wall/car charger. The problem could be there. 

**Iphone is not included. This seller has not any relationship with any of Apple, Inc. products.

IMPORTANT NOTE: - Do not insert metal pointy things in your cellphone.  They could ruin the contacts. the items we are selling are rubber protected. Never user naked metal tools to clean any cellphone dock.

Thank you for your purchase.

USA seller.

If you are not very satisfied with your purchase, contact me.