Powerful Chakra Orgone Pendant with Copper shavings and Reiki Symbol brass coil

Supplies with black cord to wear in neck

Size - 

38 X 25 x 10mm
10mm Bail

Charged by Reiki Master

What are Orgone Pendants?

Crystal Pendants can be used to draw off negative energies and blockages from the chakras, replenishing energy.

Orgone Pendants are powerful spiritual tools that transform Universal Life Form Energy (Chi) into a very powerful positive energy that will benefit each area of your energies; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These are crafted with natural crystal chips and copper shavings and encased in resin.

The Chakra Healing Necklace was designed to help balance, align and cleanse your 7 chakras. This necklace clears, balances and energizes your main energy centers one by one, reestablishing balance and harmony with your body, mind and soul.

This pendant emanates powerful positive vibrations from orgone energy that blocks electromagnetic pollution from cell towers, smartphones, WiFi and more.


These specific stones were chosen for their ability to work together and amplify each other’s energy and healing properties. These stones were source from India, Brazil, Peru and South Africa.




Chakra Affirmation:

Crown Chakra - I am secure. - Amethyst

Third Eye Chakra - I am passionate. - Lapis Lazuli

Throat Chakra - I am willful. - Aquamarine

Heart Chakra - I am open-hearted. - Green Aventurine

Solar Plexus Chakra - I speak my truth. - Yellow Jade

Sacral Chakra - I am intuitive. - Carnelian

Root Chakra - I am connected. - Red Jasper