Conical Steel Pipe Screens | 20mm 15mm 12.7mm

Type: Conical Pipe Screens - Highest Quality
Material: Stainless Steel Screens with Brass Rims
Diameters: 12.7mm - 15mm 17mm - 20mm - 22mm
Quantities available: x 5, x 10 or 20 screens

12.7mm 15mm or 20mm Pipe Screens Gauzes Conical Steel Smoking Bowl Metal Sieve

You are purchasing either 5, 10 or 20 screens conical pipe gauze screens which can be used for all types of pipes and water pipes. These screens are great for holding your favourite smoking particulates and stopping them from dropping through the hole of your pipe bowl. These steel pipe screens are well constructed and super high quality and will last for a very long time if used properly and cleaned regularly. Smoke will burn evenly and at the perfect temperature with these metal pipe screens for you to enjoy your favourite tobacco without "overcooking" the beneficial medicinal properties of your gear. Happy smoking with these quality steel and brass rimmed pipe screens!