Nutri-energy anti-fall treatment for everyday use.

Apply to dry or washed hair.
Stage 1: stimulate the entire scalp with circular movements.
Stage 2: vaporize at the root without forgetting the front entries.
Stage 3: perform a relaxing massage on the scalp to extend the product.

Treatment Guidelines: All year, except during the fall peaks, (use Aminexil Anti-fall intervention). Distribute 10 pressures of 0.2 ml. per day = 2ml./day.

Nutri-energetic action: Aminexil: prevents the fall. It eliminates the stiffness of the collagen around the bulb and favors its anchorage. Glycolipid: constitutive matter of the hair that brings energy to the bulb and stimulates hair growth.
Stimulating Action: Vitamin PP: optimizes the blood micro-circulation of the scalp. Increases the strength of the hair fiber. Helps synthesize keratin. Arginine: essential amino acid that is deposited on the hair and provides fiber constitutive material.

Nutri-energetic and full stimulating action to enhance hair growth during its production (anagen phase).
It promotes the exchange and absorption of nutrients from the hair.
It provides fiber constitutive material. Strengthens a healthier and more vigorous fiber.
Risks of diminished fall. Silky, flexible and shiny hair. They take shape well and are easy to comb.