New in Envelope with Whole wide sheets, Professionally printed, "No" cropping or tapping necessary.

Winnie the Pooh Bear, Piglet the pig, Kanga and Baby Roo the Kangaroos, Eeyore the Donkey and Tigger the Tiger. Stuffed plushed Toys Sewing Pattern from vintage 1960’s McCall's Pattern.

Printed patterns for six favorite characters from the classic “Winnie-the-Pooh” stories. Pooh sits 13” tall, Piglet 10”, Kanga 14” and Too 6”. Eeyore and Tigger measure about 14” long not including their tails. Garments are separate. Eeyore’s tail buttons on. Features are felt. Pattern shows placement of Tigger’s stripes, which are sketched on with a permanent-color felt tipped marker.

You will receive a high quality professional beautiful legal reproduction from the original vintage McCall's pattern. The Pattern pieces are exact size to the original, has clean art, clean original illustrations, some new illustrations to help explain better and easy to read text instructions. No taping or cropping necessary. It comes in a new beautiful same size die-cut color printed sewing pattern envelope with all pattern pieces and instructions. This is a fresh clean new beautifully reproduced pattern plus more sent to you. 

No more worries about old yellow, cracked, tearing aged pattern paper that aggravate allergies and health. It has been reproduced to clean healthy paper for you by a professional artist.

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