Product Information

One of the most common reasons for infertility is anovulation (not ovulating) and/or irregular cycles. You can’t have a regular healthy cycle and get pregnant without ovulating! Vitex is one of the most popular fertility pills to help regulate your menstrual cycle. We have combined it with Dong Quai as a natural treatment to balance hormones, stimulate ovulation, reduce ovarian cyst and get your cycle back on track! Made with 100% all natural vegan ingredients

Vitex agnus-castus, also known as chaste tree berry, is a plant that is native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Dong Quai is a herb indigenous to China. It also goes by the name angelica sinensis or female ginseng.


Vitex Benefits

Promote a regular menstrual cycle

Decrease premenstrual symptoms

Promote ovulation

Encourage a normal luteal phase

May improve hormonal induced acne

Promote balanced mood

May increase progesterone levels

May help balance the ratio or estrogen to progesterone


Check out our other listings for all of your fertility needs from supplements to testing supplies!


About Us

Know You Wellness is company devoted to women that want to take charge of their fertility! If you want to get pregnant quickly you need to know your body well! We show you how to get in tune with your body and provide you the products and information you need to get pregnant, stay pregnant and have the best pregnancy ever!