New TPN 400D Birth Assist Pain Relief labour Contraction Tens Pelvic Obstetric!

New in original packaging, comes with carry case, Original RRP £85. (Check the link below to see Retail price and more details). Any question just ask!

Introducing the Birth Assist Obstetric TENS which is designed to bring the drug-free benefits of TENS to pain management. The Birth-Assist is a dual channel unit which incorporates durability with simple operation. Output can be adjusted to each pair of electrodes in response to the patient's degree of site pain. The hand held boost control allows for extra pain relief when switched from normal to burst mode to continuous mode with a gradual 3 second 10% lift in power.

As anyone who has ever given birth will attest, undergoing labour can be an extremely painful process. While there are pharmaceutical options for pain relief – such as obstetric epidurals or pethidine injections – these are known to have side effects that can affect both mother and baby.

The TPN 400D Birth Assist Obstetric TENS Machine provides you with another option, encouraging your body to produce a greater amount of its natural painkillers (endorphins). TENS therapy has no known side effects and is a proven method of managing pain during labour. This obstetric TENS machine is a dual channel unit that is both durable and easy to use.

Features and Benefits of the TPN 400D TENS Machine

The TPN 400D is a great product for use by women in labour and has a number of features that help with usability and efficacy.

  • Dual channel unit
  • Output can be adjusted to each pair of electrodes, allowing for response to degree of local pain in the user
  • Burst mode – allows extra pain relief with gradual three second 10% increase of power
  • Burst mode is ideal for pain of contractions
  • Includes hand held trigger for burst mode
  • Digital display for clear, accurate and easy use
  • User friendly design for simple operation
  • Natural alternative to pain relieving drugs

What is TENS and How Does it Work?

TENS is an acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, which involves the stimulation of nerves by a mild electrical current passed through the skin. TENS machines can be used to relieve the pain associated with a number of conditions and usually work by having the user apply electrodes to the affected area.

When your TENS machine is switched on, the user will feel a slight tingling (which should not be painful). By stimulating the nerves, this electrical current encourages your body to release more natural painkillers, reducing your overall levels of pain without requiring outside elements.


Though TENS is not known to have any side effects, you should not place electrodes in the following places:

  • The front or side of your neck
  • Your temples
  • Your eyes or mouth
  • Your heart
  • Irritated, infected or broken skin
  • Varicose veins
  • Numb areas

In addition, you should consult a medical professional about the suitability of TENS if you have a pacemaker (or any other electrical or metal implant in your body) or if you have epilepsy or arrhythmia.


  • Digital design gives great accuracy
  • 10% power boost in contraction mode
  • Hand held trigger for burst mode
  • Digital display
  • Easy to use