The Chameleon POD from Amontec is based on programmable logic and is built in a very small format. It will allow you to implement quickly small active state-machines like parallel-to-serial protocols. It has a full compatibility with the IEEE 1284 standard, including SPP mode (Standard Parallel Port), EPP mode (Enhanced Parallel Port) and ECP Mode (Extended Capabilities Port). 

The Chameleon POD can be used for Xilinx Coolrunner CPLD rapid prototyping. As a standalone application or as a Parallel Port application the Chameleon POD will provide an exclusive flexibility and smoothness. The power of the Chameleon POD is to integrate all the most popular Parallel Port JTAG Download Cables. The Chameleon POD is becoming the universal JTAG POD or JTAG Emulator.

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