MACA PLUS 1300 mg
With Catuaba, Muira Puama, & Tribulus Infused
Fertility & Libido Booster

Manufactured for PL Nutrition
Made in the USA
1 Bottle 60 Capsules

Boosts energy levels 
Enhances athletic performance 
Antidepressant effect 
Care of menopause in women
Brain and mental health
Lowers blood pressure. 
Increases Libido and Sexual Function
Improves Fertility 

About MACA and other ingredients

Maca is a plant found exclusively in Peru and has been cultivated there for more than 2,000 years. There are different types of maca, including yellow, red and black maca. 
Maca is a root that belongs to the family of radish. It is generally available in the form of powder. Maca is known as ‘Peruvian ginseng’ as it grows mainly in Peru’s mountains or regions of high altitude. The benefits of Maca have been valued from long before and now it is very popular as a food element as well as a supplement.
Maca is not only known as a source of nutrition but also has a good history of being consumed as a medicinal superfood in Andes Mountain regions for thousand years. Maca powder is known to positively effect on balance, boost health, and energy. There are no present in Maca root but it attributes a lot in restoring mental, endocrine and health. Here are some of the benefits of consuming Maca powder for both man and woman.
Research shows that Maca powder has many health benefits both for healthy people and for those living with various conditions, ailments and other health problems.

Maca contains Vitamin B, C, and E in a higher ratio. Consuming Maca will provide an individual huge amount of zinc, calcium, iron, amino acids, phosphorus, and magnesium.
Health and mood of women: Maca Powder  helps a lot in relieving certain menstrual problems as well as from the side effects of menopause. Many women consume it to reduce body pains, cramps, hot flashes, depression, mood swings and .
Energy: Many people are known to experience energy boost while they started to consume maca. It is known also to increase stamina. Maca is being consumed by many athletes for performing the best. Only a little amount of maca can boost up a person. Many maca users have also reported the fact that it has increased the focus and mental energy in them.
General Health: Maca is known to affect health overall in several ways. It is a supplier of iron and helps in restoring the red blood cells. This, in turn, reduces the risk of anemia as well as cardiovascular diseases. The nutrient contents in this root keep teeth and bones healthy as well as cure wounds faster. Maca powder can aid in increasing the muscle mass if it is taken together with a proper workout system.
Skin tone and acne: Maca Powder is known to improve the skin tone if it is taken regularly. The rich nutrients and power to balance are the probable reasons for it. Moreover, acne is a very common problem that usually occurs as result of  imbalance. In this case, Maca can work effectively. It is even reported to decrease the sensitivity of the skin. Maca powder even aids the skin to combat the extreme hot or cold temperatures.
Reduce , stress, and depression: Studies have shown that Maca effects positively on moods and help in decreasing and stress. It elevates emotional moods if taken on the regular basis. People feel more driven, energized and awake by consuming maca.
Boost Antioxidant: Maca Powder works as a natural antioxidant that boosts glutathione and superoxide dismutase levels. These are two vital fighters of diseases in the body. By increasing the levels of glutathione, it improves the immune system as well as maintains proper cholesterol levels in the body.

Catuaba is kind of low shrubby tree that grows in the forests of northern Brazil. The remarkable energy and aphrodisiac properties of this plant were first discovered by the Indians, who chew catuaba bark to have more energy during their hunt through the Amazon forest. The tree itself produces yellow flowers and an inedible fruit but it is the bark which is harvested for its medicinal properties and made into supplements.
The chemical structure of catuaba includes alkaloids, tannins, aromatic oils, resins, phytosterols, sesquiterpenes and flavonoids. Catuaba is most famous aphrodisiac plant in Brazil with a long history of use to improve erection and to improve the function of the prostate. It possesses antibacterial and antiviral characteristics, especially for infections with E.coli and S. aureus. It has dopamine – mediated anti-depressive effect which has potential in the care of depressive disorders.  Catuaba is considered as a stimulant of the central nervous system with aphrodisiac characteristics and is commonly used for impotency, agitation, nervousness, neuralgia, poor memory, forgetfulness, insomnia, hypochondria, general exhaustion and fatigue.
Catuaba’s widely known health benefit is it effect to the male reproductive organ. Catuaba tea has long been used in traditional Brazilian medicine as aphrodisiac and as tonic to stimulate the central nervous system. It was widely believed that an infusion of the bark contains yohimbine, which seems to be the active compound that provides a stimulatory effect to the libido. There is a need for finding ways to minimize damage to the brain as a result of exposure to environmental toxins. Scientists have long known that free radicals via toxin exposure can damage brain cells. One research found that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Catuaba extract protected the brain of participants from oxidative damage, possibly playing a role in protecting against brain-related disorders.

Muira puama is one of the most active botanicals, with a long history of traditional use as an energy tonic, general health improver, and remedy for insufficiency.
Muira puama seems to have two effects: increasing libido and increasing penile hardness. Muira puama is rich in naturally occurring sterols, which are possible building blocks for hormones such as testosterone. Also present are numerous other chemicals and volatile oils like camphor, which help restore the drive and inner depth of libido. The second effect, penile hardness may stem from its apparent effect on circulation.

Tribulus increases stamina, libido and function for men and dramatically improves performance and sensitivity for most women. It is widely used by athletes and body builders as it improves muscle building, stamina and endurance. It has also been found to alleviate symptoms of the menopause, such as hot flushes, depression and emotional instability. Regular use of Tribulus during the menopause can aid insomnia, hypertension, irritability, and loss of interest at this time, 65% of women treated in one study reported increased drive after using this herb.
Good news for athletes and body builders as it also reduces cholesterol and enhances mood and well being. This Ayurvedic herb was used traditionally for prostrate and urinary difficulties. It is also known to stimulate the liver therefore it can aid in the break down of fats and cholesterol into hormones and energy resulting in increased performance and stamina. It is reported to have stimulating effects on the immune system and the and reproductive systems.
In Men it stimulates the secretion of leutinising hormone LH, which goes onto stimulate testosterone in the gonads. Studies have shown it to increase sperm production as well as activity. It is indicated to increase libido, strengthen erection and speed up recovery rate.
MACA PLUS Complex  also has other natural ingredients which are of great potential for health conditions.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30

Niacin 50mg 250% 
Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 26mg 173%
Maca (Tuber) 333mg
Catuaba (Bark) 83mg *
Muira Puama (Bark) 83mg *
L-Arginine(HCI) 67mg *
Heart-Leaf Sida (entire plant) 80mg *
Barrentwort (Aerial) 73mg *
Tribulus (herb) 67mg *
Cola (seed) 50mg *
Oatstraw (Grassy stalks) 50mg *
Stinging Nettle (Leaves) 50mg *
Pumpkin (seed) 50mg *
Ginger (root) 40mg *
Cayenne (25,000HU)(Fruit) 40mg *
American Ginseng (root) 33mg *
Eleuthero (root) 33mg *
Asian Ginseng (root) 33mg *
Sarsaparilla (root) 33mg *
Orchic Substance (Bovine) 20mg *
Boron Citrate 7mg *
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Cellulose, Gum Arabic (Acacia), Vegetable
Stearic, Acid, Modified Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Vegetable Magnesium
Stearate, FD&C Blue indigo Carmine Lake.
* Daily Value not established
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.