MACHINE MAN PRE-WORKOUT Booster - Muscle Energy Focus Better Performance !NEW!

 Pre Training Dietary Supplements Containing The Most Needed Substances For Proper Heavy Weight Training!

 High Beta-Alanine Content To Improve And Increase Muscle Performance And Strength!
 A Special Addition Of Creatine Monohydrate Promotes The Increase Of Actual Strength During Demanding Exercises In The Gym!
 Caffeine Is A Natural Remedy For Fatigue - Stimulates And Reduces The Feeling Of Fatigue, Helping To Achieve Even Better Results During The Training Series!
 In The Composition You Will Also Find Vitamins Of Group B That Contribute To Maintaining Proper Energy Metabolism, Reducing Fatigue And Fatigue And Supporting The Proper Functioning Of The Nervous System!

MACHINE MAN PRE WORKOUT – Food supplement. Machine Man Pre Workout is a complex preparation for pre-workout use. Due to the rich composition of the product, it can be used during the period of building muscle mass as well as during reducing body fat. 1 Ashwagandha – helps build muscle. 2 Rhodiola – supports strength, condition and endurance. The product contains vitamins, plant extracts and amino acids.

DIRECTIONS: 8 capsules about 30 minutes before training.

NUTRITION FACTS: – daily portion (8 capsules)
Creatine / Kreatyna 3000 mg
Beta-Alanine / Beta-Alanina 3000 mg
L-Citrulline / L-Cytrulina 1000 mg
Tyrosine / Tyrozyna 250 mg
Cafeine / Kofeina 250 mg
Guarana extract / Guarana ekstrakt 100 mg
Ashwagandha extract / Ashwagandha ekstrakt 100 mg
Rhodiola extract / Rhodiola ekstrakt 100 mg
Cayenne pepper / Cayenne pieprz 100 mg
Vitamins / Witaminy:
Thiamine (B1) / Tiamina (B1) 1,1 mg 100%*
Riboflavin (B2) / Ryboflawina (B2) 1,4 mg 100%*
Niacin (B3) / Niacyna (B3) 16 mg 100%*
Pantothenic acid (B5) / Kwas pantotenowy (B5) 6 mg 100%*
Vitamin B6 / Witamina B6 1,4 mg 100%*
Biotin (B7) / Biotyna (B7) 50 µg 100%*
Folic acid (B9) / Kwas foliowy (B9) 200 µg 100%*
Vitamin B12 / Witamina B12 2,5 µg 100%*

INGREDIENTS: creatine monohydrate, beta-alanine, L-citrulline, anti-caking agent – magnesium salts of fatty acids, L-tyrosine, cafeine,
guarana seed extract (Paullinia cupana), Cayenne pepper, Ashwagandha root extract (Withania somnifera), Rhodiola rosea root ex- tract, vitamins (thiamine mononitrate, ribflavin, nicotinamide, calcium D-pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, pteroylmono- glutamic acid, cyanocobalamin, D-biotin), capsule (gelatin, colour – titanium dioxide). May contain derivatives of: cereals con- taining gluten, soybeans, milk.