Eden's Orchard Natural Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw, Unfiltered & with Mother

  • Traditional Health Tonic or Skin-Care / Culinary Essential
  • Handmade in Devon UK from Naturally Grown Cider Apples
  • Age-old Recipe; Naturally Matured using Time-honoured Methods
  • Traditional Glass Bottle or BPA Free Jerry Can
  • Gluten Free - Suitable for Vegans

Eden's Orchard traditional Apple Cider Vinegar with 'Mother' is produced exclusively from hand harvested cider apples, grown naturally in the heart of Devon.

Eden's unique recipe uses only first press juice with no additives whatsoever. Eden allow time for their vinegar to mature naturally and never artificially control the fermentation process. Using genuine, age old methods, Eden's apple cider vinegar is truly as nature intended.

Eden's Orchard raw ACV remains unfiltered and contains the all important 'Mother'. Comprised of friendly bacteria, enzymes and other nutrients, its presence shows that the vinegar is 100% unpasteurised.

Every bottle of this natural product contains a different amount of 'Mother' but it will continue to develop if encouraged. To cultivate more, allow the vinegar to breath by removing the cap and storing in direct sunlight (protect the vinegar from insects by covering the opening with cheesecloth).

Gluten Free - Suitable for Vegans

Suggested Use:
Use as you would normally use vinegar as a condiment, in salads or dressings, or use as a daily health tonic. If you're brave, drink neat or alternatively use three tablespoons mixed with honey or molasses in a glass of warm water. Never heat or dilute in hot water as this will damage the friendly bacteria.

Unpasteurised Apple Juice.

The "best before" date is displayed on the bottom of the bottle however natural ACV matures and improves over time. Keep tightly sealed when not in use unless encouraging Mother growth.

Eden's Orchard Natural Apple Cider Vinegar