ALexandr Alexandrovich Blok was a famous Russian lyrical poet, writer, essayist, publicist, translator, literary critic - one of the most outstanding representatives of Russian Symbolism Style.  This 6-volume set  includes the wide variety Blok's literary works: poetry, dramatic works, lyrical prose, essays, articles, speeches, autobiography, memories, significant part of epistolary legacy.
The books are in the original dark blue covers, in a very good condition.

Author:  Alexandr Alexandrovich Blok
Publisher:  "Khudozhestvennaya Literatura", Leningard
Volumes:  1-6
Years Published:  1980-1983
Language:  Russian
Format:  Hardcover
   Volume 1 - 512
   Volume 2 - 472
   Volume 3 - 440
   Volume 4 - 464
   Volume 5 - 408
   Volume 6 - 424
Dimensions:  8.1 x 5.4 in = 20.6 13.7 cm
Condition:  Very Good