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ROSE-HIP VITAL 250 Capsules | Arthritis Pain Relief | Rosehip + FREE SHIPPING


Rose hip is known to be one of nature's richest sources of vitamin C and has been used for countless generations in European herbal medicine for the relief of joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism. Scientific research – specific to Rose-Hip Vital – now supports this traditional use, showing that Rose-Hip Vital can relieve the joint pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis.

The clinical evidence for Rose-Hip Vital shows that it can increase joint mobility for arthritis sufferers, including morning joint stiffness on waking, manage joint pain, relieve arthritic pain, and even improve sleep when it is affected by joint pain and discomfort.

Check out how well your body absorbs the all natural vitamin C in Rose-Hip Vital compared to the synthetic stuff. Clinical trials have shown that your body absorbs Rose-Hip Vital’s natural vitamin C twice as effectively as synthetic vitamin C tablets. As you can see in the graphic, vitamin C blood level was measured following 2 and 4 hours respectively after ingestion.

As demonstrated, ingestion of 250mg of Rose-Hip Vital (half a capsule) versus 500mg of a synthetic quantity results in same Vitamin C blood plasma level. And when taking 500MG of Rose-Hip Vital (one capsule) it's still climbing after 4 hours! It’s nature at it's best.


Each capsule contains Rosa canina L (rosehip) fruit powder 500mg containing Galactolipid (GOPO®).