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Auction is for item(s) selected from the drop-down menu.  Pick from this selection of options.  Choose from:
  • Mortisan Soulreaper
  • Mortisan Boneshaper
  • Mortisan Soulmason
  • Vokmortian, Master of The Bone-Tithe

  •   Models come unassembled and unpainted.

Support you local game stores!  But if you can't because you don't have one or they don't have what you're looking for, then we're here to help.

*Although it's free economy grade shipping built into the price of the item you can still save money by bundling purchases.  Buy multiple items from us and help us save on shipping costs so we can save you money on your purchases.  We'll refund some of what would have been used to pay shipping for multiple items bought together that can ship together cheaper than shipping separately.  If you buy multiples and don't checkout all at once be sure to let us know to bundle your orders.