
Voici une œuvre exceptionnelle.

Cette enchère et pour une seule pièce je dispose de trois pièces.

Artiste: Josh Smith (Joshua Smith 1976, USA)

Titre: Sans titre

Technique: Technique mixte peinte à la main, peinture à l'huile, en aérosol et émail sur planche de skate

Numéroté 76 d'une série de 200, chaque œuvre et unique.

Taille: 77,5 x 19,1 cm

Signature: signé à la main avec de la peinture en aérosol

Condition: Neuf.

À propos de l'artiste

Né en 1976, Tennessee

Vit et travaille à New York



Université de Miami, Oxford, Ohio


Université du Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee BFA



De Hallen Haarlem, Pays-Bas

Josh Smith sur l'eau, Deitch Studios, New York, NY


Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, Genève, Suisse

Courants, Lurhing Augustine, New York, NY

Hiromi Yoshii Gallery, Tokyo, Japon

Je ne suis pas toi. Air de Paris, Paris, France

Livres Josh Smith, imprimés, New York, NY


Fléchettes cachées, MUMOK, Quartier des musées, Vienne, Autriche

Josh Smith: Collages, Galerie Catherine Bastide, Bruxelles, Belgique

Josh Smith, Zurich Abstraction, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich, Suisse

Josh Smith / Josh Fish, casque, Genève, Suisse

Josh Smith, Taxter & Spengemann, New York, NY


Abstraction, Luhring, Augustine, NY

Fortescue Avenue / Jonathan Viner hallery, Londres, Royaume-Uni


Galerie Sketos Gabriele, Chicago, IL

Air de Paris, Paris France

Composez J pour Josh, Power House, Memphis, TN

Galerie Catherine Bastide, Bruxelles, Belgique

Galerie Susanne Hilberry, Detroit, MI

Standard, Oslo, Norvège


Fortescue Avenue / Jonathan Viner Gallery, Londres, Royaume-Uni

Galerie Catherine Bastide, Bruxelles, Belgique

Make It Plain, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York, NY

Sculpture Center, New York, NY


Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York, État de New York


Peintures chinoises, M Shanghai Bistro, New York, NY

Composez "J" pour Josh, Margo Victor présente, Los Angeles, CA

Galerie Catherine Bastide, Bruxelles, Belgique

Galerie de volume, New York, NY



Une nuit sauvage et une nouvelle route, Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA

Abstractionists Unite! Who Give You Just Assez pour durer toute une vie, organisée par Nancy Chaikin, The Glendale College Art Gallery, Glendale, CA

Access All Areas, organisé par Arturo Herrera, Max Hetzler, Berlin, Allemagne

Cave Painting, organisée par Bob Nickas, PSM Gallery, Berlin, Allemagne

Chapter Three: The Wall of the Sky, The Wall of the Eye, About Change Collection, Berlin, Allemagne

Fax, The Drawing Center, New York, NY; Musée contemporain, Baltimore, MD; Musée d'art de Torrance, Torrance, Californie; Galerie d'art de Burnaby, Burnaby, Canada; Dowd Gallery, Cortland, NY; Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico, Mexique; Para / Site Art Space, Hong Kong

Jettison: New Ideas in Abstraction, Trahern Galleru, Clarksville, Tennessee

Josh Smith et Sophie von Hellerman, Consortium, Dijon, France

Apprendre à lire l'art: une histoire de la matière imprimée, P.S.1, New York, NY

My Summer Show, organisée par Cristina Delgado, Galerie Lelong, New York, NY

Practice, Practice, Practice, organisé par Michael Smith et Jay Saunders, Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, TX

Spectacle d'été, Saks, Genève, Suisse

C'est comme ça, organisé par Michael St. John, Marvelli Gallery, New York, NY

Le générationnel: plus jeune que Jésus, New Museum, New York, NY

Les vivants et les morts, l'entreprise de Gavin Brown, New York, NY

The Perpetual Dialogue, (contributeur curatorial), Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, NY

Top 10 des allégories, Francesca Pia Galerie, Zurich


Exposition noir et blanc: Dean Hughes, Nadira Husain, Andrei Koschmieder, Josh Smith, Anne Spieir, Galerie Neue Alte Brücke, Francfort, Allemagne

Livre / étagère, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY

Champion Zero, Location, New York, NY

Fair Market, organisé par Haley Mellin, Rental, New York, NY

Meet Me Around the Corner, des œuvres de la collection Astrup Fearnley, Astrup Fearnley, Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norvège

Murder Letters, organisée par David Rimanelli, Filomena Soares Gallery, Lisbonne, Portugal

Peindre maintenant et pour toujours, partie II, Matthew marks Gallery, New York, NY

Tailles standard, Andrew Kreps, New York, NY

The Peanut Gallery, organisée par Jo Bradley, The Journal gallery, New York, NY


A Few Artist’s Books, Roma Publications et Christoph Keller, projet SD Barcelona, Espagne

Modernisme accidentel, Leslie Tonkonow, New York, NY

Aleatoric Contracts, organisée par Eivind Furnesvik, Standard (Oslo), Norvège.

Beneath the Underdog (ou One Unopened Packet of Cigarettes), organisé par Nate Lowman et Adam McEwen, Gagosian Gallery, New York

Biennale de Lyon: 00s, L'histoire d'une décennie qui n'a pas encore été nommée, La Sucrière, Lyon, France.

Conditions d'affichage, projets antiacridiens, Miami, FL

Der Ficker: Thea Djordjadze, Sophie von Hellermann, Mick Peter, Tamuna Sirbiladze, Josh Smith, Emily Wardill et Franz West, Fortescue Avenue / Jonathan Viner Gallery, Londres, Royaume-Uni

Pour le peuple de Paris, Sutton Lane, Paris, France

Genesis I'm Sorry, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, NY

Irreversible, Stellan Holm Gallery, New York, NY

Last Attraction Next Exit, organisée par Neville Wakefield, Max Wigram Gallery, Londres, Royaume-Uni

Malerei und Affekt, organisé par Gregg Bordowitz et Achim Hochdörfer, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienne, Autriche

Projet Michèle Didier - Partie II: Christopher Wool et Josh Smith, Christophe Daviet Thery, Paris, France

Off Modern, Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers, France

Painting as Fact - Fact as Fiction, commissaire d'exposition: Bob Nickas, de Pury & Luxembourg, Zurich, Suisse

The Third Mind: Carte Blanche a Ugo Rondinone, 2008, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

États incertains d'Amérique, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, République tchèque

USA Today, le Musée de l'Ermitage, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie

Quelle colle utilisez-vous?, Atelier Cardenas Bellanger, Paris, France

Ce que nous faisons est secret, Blancpain Art Contemporain, Genève, Suisse


Bill Saylor, Josh Smith, Hiromo Yoshii Gallery, Tokyo, Japon

Color Aside, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY

Gedi Sibony et Josh Smith, galerie Harris Lieberman, New York, NY

Tenez cet ascenseur, Butridge Gallery au Dougherty Arts Center, Austin, TX

In Dialogue, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, NY

Paper, Sketos Gabrielle Gallery, Chicago, IL

Reena Spaulings, New York, NY

Slow Burn, organisée par Jonah Freeman, Gallerie Edward Mitterrand, Genève, Suisse

Take One, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX

Les dix sous de mars, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York, NY

États incertains d'Amérique, Serpentine Gallery, Londres

Under Pressure, Art: Concept, Paris, France

USA Today, Royal Academy Of Arts, Londres

Wade Guyton, Seth Price, Josh Smith Kelley Walker, Kunstalle Zürich, Zurich, Suisse

Quand la révolution arrive, Kathleen Cullen Fine Arts, New York, NY


Helter Skelter, organisée par Monica Moran, Capsule Gallery, New York, NY

I'm a Child of Divorce, Give Me a Break, organisé par Michael St. John, Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York, NY

Interstate, organisée par Adam McKewen, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, NY

KIOSQUE: Modes de multiplication et Liam Gillick: Edgar Schmitz, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Londres, Royaume-Uni

Lesser New York, organisée par Fia Backström Production, Brooklyn, NY

Marc Selwyn Gallery, organisée par Clarrissa Dalrymple, Los Angeles, CA

New York Twice, organisée par Fabrice Stroun, Air de Paris, Paris, France

New York's Finest, Canada Gallery, New York, NY

Peintures, novembre-janvier, Susanne Hillberry Gallery, Detroit, MI

Paper, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, NY

POST MoDERN, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, NY

Ruptures des Évidences, commissaire Rita Ackerman, Confort Moderne, Potiers, France

Situational Prosthetics, organisée par Nate Lowman, New Langton Art Center, San Francisco, CA

Sophie von Hellerman et Josh Smith: Collaborations, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, NY

États incertains d'Amérique, Musée Astrup-Fearnley, Oslo, Norvège


Collection (ou, How I Spent a Year), organisée par Bob Nickas, P.S. 1, New York, NY

East Village ASU, organisée par Rick Prol, B-Side Gallery, New York, NY

Moi, moi-même et moi, organisée par Renee Riccardo et Paul Laster, University Galleries, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL

Galerie Paula Cooper, New York, NY

Répétition, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, NY

Rimbaud, organisée par Max Henry, I-20 Gallery, New York, NY

Tellement peu d'occasions, tant d'erreurs, Champion Fine Art, New York, NY (en tant que commissaire)


25e Biennale des arts graphiques de Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovénie

Mighty Graphitey, Feature Gallery, New York, NY


Copie de livres, Roth Horowitz, New York, NY


Musée d'art de Columbus, Columbus, OH

Nouvelle œuvre: peinture abstraite, Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, Californie


M. Fascination, Threadwaxing Space, New York, NY


Remix, juin, Team Gallery, New York, NY


Here is an exceptional work.

This auction and for one piece I have three pieces.

Artist: Josh Smith (Joshua Smith 1976, USA)

Title: Untitled

Technique: Mixed technique hand painted, oil, aerosol and enamel paint on skateboard

Numbered 76 from a series of 200, each a unique work.

  Size: 77.5 x 19.1 cm

  Signature: hand signed with spray paint

  Condition: New.

  About the artist

  Born in 1976, Tennessee

  Lives and works in New York



  University of Miami, Oxford, Ohio


  University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee BFA



  De Hallen Haarlem, Netherlands

  Josh Smith on the water, Deitch Studios, New York, NY


  Geneva Center for Contemporary Art, Geneva, Switzerland

  Currents, Lurhing Augustine, New York, NY

  Hiromi Yoshii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

  I am not you. Air de Paris, Paris, France

  Josh Smith Books, Print, New York, NY


  Hidden Darts, MUMOK, Museum Quarter, Vienna, Austria

  Josh Smith: Collages, Galerie Catherine Bastide, Brussels, Belgium

  Josh Smith, Zurich Abstraction, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich, Switzerland

  Josh Smith / Josh Fish, helmet, Geneva, Switzerland

  Josh Smith, Taxter & Spengemann, New York, NY


  Abstraction, Luhring, Augustine, NY

  Fortescue Avenue / Jonathan Viner hallery, London, United Kingdom


  Sketos Gabriele Gallery, Chicago, IL

  Air de Paris, Paris France

  Dial J for Josh, Power House, Memphis, TN

  Galerie Catherine Bastide, Brussels, Belgium

  Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit, MI

  Standard, Oslo, Norway


  Fortescue Avenue / Jonathan Viner Gallery, London, United Kingdom

  Galerie Catherine Bastide, Brussels, Belgium

  Make It Plain, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York, NY

  Sculpture Center, New York, NY


  Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York, New York State


  Chinese paintings, M Shanghai Bistro, New York, NY

  Dial "J" for Josh, Margo Victor Presents, Los Angeles, CA

  Galerie Catherine Bastide, Brussels, Belgium

  Volume Gallery, New York, NY



  A wild night and a new road, Altman Siegel, San Francisco, CA

  Abstractionists Unite! Who Give You Just Enough to Last a Lifetime, curated by Nancy Chaikin, The Glendale College Art Gallery, Glendale, CA

  Access All Areas, organized by Arturo Herrera, Max Hetzler, Berlin, Germany

  Cave Painting, organized by Bob Nickas, PSM Gallery, Berlin, Germany

  Chapter Three: The Wall of the Sky, The Wall of the Eye, About Change Collection, Berlin, Germany

  Fax, The Drawing Center, New York, NY; Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD; Torrance Museum of Art, Torrance, California; Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, Canada; Dowd Gallery, Cortland, NY; Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico; Para / Site Art Space, Hong Kong

  Jettison: New Ideas in Abstraction, Trahern Galleru, Clarksville, Tennessee

  Josh Smith and Sophie von Hellerman, Consortium, Dijon, France

  Learning to read art: a history of printed matter, P.S.1, New York, NY

  My Summer Show, organized by Cristina Delgado, Galerie Lelong, New York, NY

  Practice, Practice, Practice, curated by Michael Smith and Jay Saunders, Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, TX

  Summer show, Saks, Geneva, Switzerland

  That's how it is, organized by Michael St. John, Marvelli Gallery, New York, NY

  The generational: younger than Jesus, New Museum, New York, NY

  The Living and the Dead, Gavin Brown's Business, New York, NY

  The Perpetual Dialogue, (curatorial contributor), Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, NY

  Top 10 allegories, Francesca Pia Galerie, Zurich


  Black and white exhibition: Dean Hughes, Nadira Husain, Andrei Koschmieder, Josh Smith, Anne Spieir, Galerie Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt, Germany

  Book / shelf, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY

  Champion Zero, Location, New York, NY

  Fair Market, organized by Haley Mellin, Rental, New York, NY

  Meet Me Around the Corner, works from the Astrup Fearnley collection, Astrup Fearnley, Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway

  Murder Letters, organized by David Rimanelli, Filomena Soares Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal

  Paint Now and Forever, Part II, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, NY

  Standard sizes, Andrew Kreps, New York, NY

  The Peanut Gallery, curated by Jo Bradley, The Journal gallery, New York, NY


  A Few Artist’s Books, Roma Publications and Christoph Keller, SD Barcelona project, Spain

  Accidental Modernism, Leslie Tonkonow, New York, NY

  Aleatoric Contracts, organized by Eivind Furnesvik, Standard (Oslo), Norway.

  Beneath the Underdog (or One Unopened Packet of Cigarettes), organized by Nate Lowman and Adam McEwen, Gagosian Gallery, New York

  Biennale de Lyon: 00s, The story of a decade that has not yet been named, La Sucrière, Lyon, France.

  Display conditions, locust projects, Miami, FL

  Der Ficker: Thea Djordjadze, Sophie von Hellermann, Mick Peter, Tamuna Sirbiladze, Josh Smith, Emily Wardill and Franz West, Fortescue Avenue / Jonathan Viner Gallery, London, United Kingdom

  For the people of Paris, Sutton Lane, Paris, France

  Genesis I'm Sorry, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, NY

  Irreversible, Stellan Holm Gallery, New York, NY

  Last Attraction Next Exit, organized by Neville Wakefield, Max Wigram Gallery, London, United Kingdom

  Malerei und Affekt, organized by Gregg Bordowitz and Achim Hochdörfer, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, Austria

  Michèle Didier Project - Part II: Christopher Wool and Josh Smith, Christophe Daviet Thery, Paris, France

  Off Modern, Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers, France

  Painting as Fact - Fact as Fiction, curator: Bob Nickas, de Pury & Luxembourg, Zurich, Switzerland

  The Third Mind: Carte Blanche a Ugo Rondinone, 2008, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

  Uncertain States of America, Rudolfinum Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic

  USA Today, the Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia

  Which glue do you use ?, Atelier Cardenas Bellanger, Paris, France

  What we do is secret, Blancpain Art Contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland


  Bill Saylor, Josh Smith, Hiromo Yoshii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

  Color Aside, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY

  Gedi Sibony and Josh Smith, Harris Lieberman Gallery, New York, NY

  Hold this elevator, Butridge Gallery at the Dougherty Arts Center, Austin, TX

  In Dialogue, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, NY

  Paper, Sketos Gabrielle Gallery, Chicago, IL

  Reena Spaulings, New York, NY

  Slow Burn, organized by Jonah Freeman, Edward Mitterrand Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland

  Take One, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX

  March Dimes, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York, NY

  Uncertain States of America, Serpentine Gallery, London

  Under Pressure, Art: Concept, Paris, France

  USA Today, Royal Academy Of Arts, London

  Wade Guyton, Seth Price, Josh Smith Kelley Walker, Kunstalle Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland

  When the revolution arrives, Kathleen Cullen Fine Arts, New York, NY


  Helter Skelter, organized by Monica Moran, Capsule Gallery, New York, NY

  I'm a Child of Divorce, Give Me a Break, organized by Michael St. John, Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York, NY

  Interstate, curated by Adam McKewen, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, NY

  BOOTH: Modes of Multiplication and Liam Gillick: Edgar Schmitz, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, United Kingdom

  Lesser New York, organized by Fia Backström Production, Brooklyn, NY

  Marc Selwyn Gallery, organized by Clarrissa Dalrymple, Los Angeles, CA

  New York Twice, organized by Fabrice Stroun, Air de Paris, Paris, France

  New York's Finest, Canada Gallery, New York, NY

  Paintings, November-January, Susanne Hillberry Gallery, Detroit, MI

  Paper, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, NY

  POST MoDERN, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, NY

  Ruptures des Évidences, curator Rita Ackerman, Confort Moderne, Potters, France

  Situational Prosthetics, curated by Nate Lowman, New Langton Art Center, San Francisco, CA

  Sophie von Hellerman and Josh Smith: Collaborations, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York, NY

  Uncertain States of America, Astrup-Fearnley Museum, Oslo, Norway


  Collection (ou, How I Spent a Year), curated by Bob Nickas, P.S. 1, New York, NY

  East Village ASU, curated by Rick Prol, B-Side Gallery, New York, NY

  Me, myself and me, organized by Renee Riccardo and Paul Laster, University Galleries, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL

  Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, NY

  Rehearsal, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, NY

  Rimbaud, curated by Max Henry, I-20 Gallery, New York, NY

  So few opportunities, so many mistakes, Champion Fine Art, New York, NY (as curator)


  25th Ljubljana Graphic Arts Biennial, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  Mighty Graphitey, Feature Gallery, New York, NY


  Copy of books, Roth Horowitz, New York, NY


  Columbus Art Museum, Columbus, OH

  New work: abstract painting, Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, California


  M. Fascination, Threadwaxing Space, New York, NY


  Remix, June, Team Gallery, New York, NY