Water hyacinth, is an aquatic plant native to the Amazon basin, and is often a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range. Water hyacinth is a free-floating perennial aquatic plant native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. With broad, thick, glossy, ovate leaves, water hyacinth may rise above the surface of the water as much as 1 meter in height.  They have long, spongy and bulbous stalks. 

The feathery, freely hanging roots are purple-black. An erect stalk supports a single spike of 8-15 conspicuously attractive flowers, mostly lavender to pink in color with six petals. When not in bloom, water hyacinth may be mistaken for frog's-bit.

The plants I will sent you are between 8-15 inches high. Before we ship our plants we clean and inspect them and it is not unusual for them not to stand up immediately when they arrive to you.  They will perk back up and how quickly this happens will depend on the temperature of the water and the range of weather changes in your area.  These are tropical plants, therefore the warmer the temperature the quicker they will stand back up. If you wish for your plants to remain standing, you may plant or prop with rocks, along the edge of your pond.

Water hyacinths can grow up to 1m (3ft) above the waterline with another 15cm (1ft) of roots lurking below the surface. Water hyacinths only tend to bloom when they are clustered together, meaning single free-floating plants are unlikely to flower. These tropical plants grow best in full to partial sunlight with water temperatures around 21 to 27°C (70 to 80° F). Water hyacinths can tolerate environmental temperatures from 12°C (54°F) to 35°C (95°F), but both frost and water temperatures over 34°C (93°F) will kill the plant. Water hyacinths are sensitive to salinity over 5ppt and can tolerate a pH range from 5.0 to 7.5

Before we ship our plants we clean and inspect them and it is not unusual for them not to stand up immediately when they arrive to you. They will perk back up and how quickly this happens will depend on the temperature of the water and the range of weather changes in your area.  These are tropical plants, therefore the warmer the temperature the quicker they will stand back up.

Long thick black roots trail provide filtration, spawning and hiding places for fish.

The nutrient absorbing qualities of the hyacinth absorb excess nutrients from the water, helping to reduce algae making it the best water clarifier.

Water hyacinth are perfect for fighting algae growth in your pond by shading the water and lowering the temperature, as well as fighting for the same nutrients that algae requires to grow.  The hanging roots also send Koi into spawning mode.