Gardening Supplies At Your Fingertips

Economy Hard Wearing Grass Seed For Garden Lawns High Quality Fast Growing

A cost effective mixture to suit a range of lawns. This highly durable mixture is persistent and hard wearing. It contains amenity species specifically bred for the domestic market. 

Germinating and growing as quickly as the more pricey seed mixes, our Eco lawn is perfect for establishing a beautiful lawn on a budget! 

Goes well with our Pre Seed Fertiliser

What's in the mixture?

10% Creeping Red Fescue

60% Dwarf Amenity PRG

30% Dwarf Amenity PRG

Sowing Rate?

25-40g per m2

  • Fast Growing and Hard Wearing
  • Strong, durable grass which is great for high traffic areas
  • Makes large landscaping jobs much more affordable
  • Do not sow when frost is forecast
  • Soil temperature should be 10°C or above before sowing