Please Note: ​This product is a natural supplement that does not require a medical prescription and does not contain any prescription ingredients. A full list of ingredients has been listed in the images and description of this eBay listing. This product has a clearly marked expiry date that is also mentioned in this listing. No therapeutic claims have been made and a disclaimer has been listed at the bottom of the listing. Also this product is intact and sold in its original manufacturing packaging

Give Him A Tighter Reason To Stay

Drive Him Absolutely Wild!

Lots of factors can affect your vaginal tightness and confidence, the loss of elasticity due to childbirth, hormonal changes, ageing and natural causes.

The natural and safe active ingredients have been meticulously selected and used for centuries by women all around the world.

Roll back the years and maximise your pleasure at the same time.

You and your partner will love this product, feel closer than ever before.

How Does It Work?

This stimulating gel may tone and tighten vaginal tissue, it tingles upon application, which may cause an increase in blood flow to the vaginal walls, helping them plump up and feel tighter.

To apply this odourless, tasteless, natural-ingredient-packed gel, just dab a small amount onto a finger (either yours or your partner's), and rub it carefully into the inner vaginal tissue.

Is It Safe To Use?

Yes, this gel is all-natural and safe to use regularly on all skin types.

How Do I Use It?

It's easy, just follow these simple steps:

    1. Wash your hands and vaginal area before use
    2. Apply a small amount of the gel to your vaginal tissue and labia, massage in until absorbed
    3. You can use this gel before intercourse and/or as a daily tightening product
    4. Enjoy more intense pleasure and feeling closer to your partner

Ingredients: aloe, sophora flavescens, radix salviae miltorrhizae, cnidium monnier cuss, white paeony root, eupatorium japonicum thub

Expiry Date: 09/2025

What Can We Offer On Top Of That?

FAST SHIPPING, WORLDWIDE: All of our products are shipped from Melbourne, Australia, directly to you. You get it quicker, so you can see what you desire sooner.

A 100% AUTHENTIC PRODUCT: This product is absolutely legit. This isn’t some knock-off scam like you’ll find on other websites. It’s 100% authentic and original.

100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you are not happy with the product simply return it to us for a full refund. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out.

DISCRETE PACKAGING: There will be no mention of the product or its contents on the delivery label to your desired address.

**DISCLAIMER**: We make no therapeutic use claims regarding the use of this product . Therapeutic is defined by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as:

Preventing, diagnosing, curing or alleviating a disease, ailment, defect or injury in persons or animals. Influencing, inhibiting or modifying a physiological process in persons or animals. Testing the susceptibility of persons or animals to a disease or ailment Influencing, controlling or preventing conception in persons. Testing for pregnancy in persons.The replacement or modification of parts of the anatomy in persons or animals.This product is a natural supplement, not a medicine. This product does not require a medical prescription and does not contain any prescription ingredients. A full list of ingredients has been listed in the description of this product and the results may not work the same for everybody.

The product offered in this listing is not intended for use by persons under 18.