David (The Younger) Teniers II

  (1610 - 1690)
David (The Younger) Teniers II was active/lived in Flemish, Belgium.  David Teniers II is known for genre, landscape and religious scene painting

Auction statistics for  
David (The Younger) Teniers II

Upcoming and past  369
% Lots Sold60%
High auction price$6,229,450
High auction price date7/04/2019
High price / sq. inch$16,572
High price / sq. inch date12/05/2007

This is an Original Antique oil painting on tin/copper by  David Teniers the Younger. It is a typical David Teniers subject a 17th century depicting 3 men smoking in a tavern table. The size of the painting is 8 X 6 1/2" inches
there is some Paintloss in the center of the Painting  ( shown in Photo # 2 left hand corner ) 
we may or may not have this Painting Professionally restored and relist this little Gem for the appropriate Price it deserves . A similar  - subject - better condition Fetched over 6 M in 2019 

additional information
I am a private collector liquidating my entire collection of 8000 plus Paintings because of health reason. I will sell my paintings the same way I collected them  for the past 50 years, by the value of their artistic quality workmanship and academic excellence.  ...just trying to recoup a little before my Heirs sell them on a  Yard sale.