
Powerful generator triode GU-59A for operation as a generator of high-frequency oscillations in industrial generators for high-frequency heating.
The design is metal-glass.
Working position - vertical, anode down.
Cooling - forced:
- anode - water not less than 12 l / min
- legs - air at least 50 m3 / h
- cylinder - air at least 50 m3 / h

Main technical parameters of GU-59A :

Filament current 67 ± 5 A

DC component of grid current not less than 0.45 A

Grid bias voltage is negative, not less than 550A

Slope of characteristic not less than 16 mA / V

Gain 15

Output power in the generation mode at a frequency of 155 MHz (at Uа = 5 kV) not less than 6.3 kW

Interelectrode capacitances, pF:

- entrance no more than 50
- weekend no more than 1.2
- checkpoint no more than 25