Condition: Brand new, sealed , MADE IN TAIWAN

If you've ever pondered what to get that Broken Social Scene fan who has everything, then look no further! It's a very rare Taiwanese import of BSS's seminal self-titled "Red Album". Released by Taiwan's White Wabbit Records, under license from Arts & Crafts Productions. 

Still sealed in the shrink wrap and never opened. Still has the original Chinese paper insert and the hype sticker.


1. Our Faces Split the Coast in Half2. Ibi Dreams of Pavement (A Better Day) 

3. 7/4 (Shoreline) 

4. Finish Your Collapse and Stay for Breakfast

5. Major Label Debut

6. Fire Eye'd Boy 

7. Windsurfing Nation

8. Swimmers

9. Hotel

10. Handjobs for the Holidays

11. Superconnected

12. Bandwitch

13. Tremoloa Debut

14. It's All Gonna Break


1. her disappearing theme

2. canada vs america

3. baroque social

4. no smiling darkness / snake charmers association

5. all my friends

6. major lebel debut

7. feel good lost reprise

Free shipping to Canada and the United States! We do ship internationally as well -- please message us for a shipping quote.

From the Taiwanese record label:

這幾年歐美搖滾樂壇掀起一陣火燙加拿大旋風Arcade Fire、Wolf Parade、Broken Social Scene算是最引人注目的名字。而Broken Social Scene更是其中最特殊的團體,以媲美早安少女組的十幾人大陣仗,即興呈現暢快淋漓的搖滾樂風,令人熱血沸騰,所到之處無不批靡。

Broken Social Scene創團時期其實只有Kevin Drew(加拿大後搖滾樂團Do Make Say Think前團員)、Brendan Canning兩個人的後搖滾實驗樂團,以free-jam為基礎,半玩票的即興創作,靠著良好的人緣,找來樂團圈朋友幫忙錄製專輯。在2002發表驚世專輯You Forgot It in People,得到加拿大音樂獎項JUNO AWARDS鍍金之後,團員漸漸增殖成超過十人的超大樂隊,持續巡迴世界。他們的表演現場時候使用兩套鼓,數把吉他輪流彈,外加熱鬧的管樂助陣;絕無冷場似乎是為他們而生的形容詞。在北美大陸,Broken Social Scene更是和Death Cab for Cutie平起平坐的超級樂團。

2005年Broken Social Scene發表最新作品,未如預期地投靠大廠。專輯名稱以Broken Social Scene宣示自我。此舉堪稱全世界搖滾樂團的終極夢想:和一大票好友一邊巡迴世界表演,一邊寫歌,然後錄出一張品質極高的專輯。獨具個性的搖滾樂手,每個人都有自己的樂團和獨特的風格,卻能統合在Broken Social Scene之名,堪稱是個謎樣的進行。這也顯示了樂隊成員本身素質不凡,Kevin Drew表示這張專輯是「清理門戶」的作品,言下之意是要挑戰他們的「粉西」。實際上這張專輯也的確是個心志和體能的大考驗;根本就是逼你做維時六十分鐘長的有氧運動,一邊跳還要聽他們講笑話(和髒話)。心臟不好不能聽它,否則五首歌就包準你渾身發燙,氣喘吁吁。

整張專輯的主要元素是「愉悅」與「混亂」,隨處可聞意料之外的任性轉折,很多歌曲都是非常好聽的片段重複組成,沒有所謂的主副歌,更甭提所謂的起承轉合。繁複的樂器不怎麼細膩,更像是粗枝大葉的熱鬧豪爽;徹頭徹尾一派大自由美學。維持調性貫穿整張專輯的,只有輕快紮實的節拍。ibi dreams of pavement粗礪的聲響直衝腦門,馬力全開。windsurfing nation當中即興語彙混亂紛飛,令人目眩神迷;swimmers由Metric女主唱Emily Haines獻聲令人意外的輕軟酣甜,都為樂迷津津樂道。

如同Broken Social Scene所說:I hate what you hate,爆炸吧!!!!