AHAKA Online-shop
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Escalón trasero (izquierda) para enganche de remolque

para Nissan NV 200 2010-

Escalón trasero para brida bola de remolque - anchura total 60 cm.

Artículos entregados:

- Escalón trasero (izquierda) para fija bola de remolque
- Instrucciones de montaje
- Garantía - 36 Meses

Datos tecnicos:
- Anchura total 60 cm
- Adecuado para todos los bolas de brida (2-agujero 90mm y 4-agujero 83mm)
- Superficie antideslizante
- regulable en altura (con bola de 2 agujeros)

Bola ISO 50 negro 4-agujero

Bola de remolque

Bola ISO 50 negro 2 agujero

Bola de remolque

Escalón trasero para remolque (derecho)

Escalón trasero

Escalón trasero para remolque (doble)


Calidad probada

Nuestros productos están diseñados y probados por ingenieros calificados que utilizan tecnología avanzada de CAD. La producción se realiza con tecnología CNC precisa para lograr una alta calidad y precisión de ajuste.

Más información en la descripción a continuación!

Escalón trasero para romolque con 2 y 4 agujeros brida bola

Escalón trasero para fija bola de romlque - anchura total 60 cm

  • Ejecución robusta y de alta calidad.
  • hace que entrar y salir sea más fácil
  • menor riesgo de accidentes
  • polvo revestido
  • Incluye material de instalación e instrucciones ilustradas.
  • universal para remolque con fija bols
  • universal para 2 y 4 agujeros brida bola de remolque
  • universal para Todos los coches con bola de brida (minibus, caja, furgon)

Métodos de pago

Método de pago simple y conveniente con PayPal.

Pague de forma más rápida y segura con el método de pago en línea y móvil preferido No.1. Somos miembros verificados de PayPal y ofrecemos métodos de pago en línea y móviles rápidos y seguros.

El pago de los artículos comprados a través de eBay se debe realizar dentro de los 5 días hábiles posteriores al pedido inicial. Los métodos de pago aceptados son los siguientes: PayPal. AHAKA se reserva el derecho de notificar a eBay de cualquier artículo no pagado a través de cualquier método apropiado, incluido el sistema de comentarios y el sistema de pago.

Entrega simple y rápida.

Enviamos a todos los destinos espa?oles y a la mayoría de los países de la UE. Para todos los destinos de Espa?a continental, siempre el mismo precio con 3-5 días hábiles de entrega desde el envío.

Para la entrega a Spanish Channel Islands por favor contáctenos.

Gastos de envío a la UE.

Enviamos a todos los destinos espa?oles y la mayoría de los países de la UE. Para todos los destinos de China continental, siempre el mismo precio con 3-5 días hábiles de entrega desde el envío. Para la entrega a las islas espa?olas por favor contáctenos.

Privacidad y protección de datos

AHAKA no compartirá ninguna dirección, información de contacto o información de pago con ninguna otra parte, excepto las empresas de logística y proveedor. Podemos comunicarnos con usted para informarle sobre cualquier oferta especial. Si no desea recibir esta notificación, háganoslo saber por escrito.

Parcelas da?adas

Si se percibe que un artículo está da?ado, deberá rechazarse o, si está disponible, se puede firmar como da?ado. En cada caso, debemos ser notificados dentro de las 24 horas de la entrega del paquete, esto puede ser por escrito, por correo electrónico o llamando a nuestra oficina.

Luego recibiremos un número de reclamo del servicio de mensajería y los artículos de reemplazo o faltantes se le enviarán a usted una vez que el artículo original se haya recogido y nos sea devuelto para su inspección. Usted acepta cooperar con cualquier investigación realizada por el servicio de mensajería y con la organización de un día conveniente para que se recolecte el artículo da?ado. Si el servicio de mensajería no ha podido recoger el artículo del cliente debido a la culpa del cliente, nos reservamos el derecho de cobrar por la futura recolección.

Parcelas perdidas

Si falta su paquete, deberá hacerlo con el servicio de mensajería. Tan pronto como emitan un número de reclamación, se enviará un reemplazo utilizando el mismo método de servicio.

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Terms and conditions of the sale
  • The following conditions apply to and are deemed to be incorporated in all contracts for sale and supply of the company's services and materials.
  • By purchasing an item from AHAKA Antonina Suchodolska, ul. Dluga 134c, 08-430 Zelechow, POLAND further called “AHAKA” you are agreeing to abide by the following Terms and Conditions.
  • The placing of an order expresses acceptance of our terms and conditions of business. These terms and conditions do not affect the customer's statutory rights.
  • All prices shown include Value Added Tax (VAT) at the statutory rate current at the date of invoice. The company reserves the right to alter prices and / or specifications at any time and without prior notice.
  • Contract to supply goods at the price stated has not been confirmed until the order has been placed, payment has been made and confirmation of the goods has been dispatched via email to the customer.  AHAKA may withdraw this offer to supply up until the point of dispatch confirmation.
  • We ship to fixed residential or business addresses to certain countries within the EU. Please mail us to learn more about our shipping conditions.
  • We are unable to ship to BFPO or PO Box addresses.
  • Payment for items purchased through eBay must be made within 5 working days of the initial order. Accepted payment methods are as follows: PayPal.  AHAKA reserve the right to notify eBay of any unpaid items via any appropriate method - including the feedback system and none payment system. No goods shall pass from the company to the customer unless and until the customer has made full and complete payment to the company.  If payment is not made in full and the goods have been shipped then AHAKA retains title of goods. If payment is made and then is withdrawn once goods have been shipped AHAKA will seek to recover the goods or the value of the goods plus expenses. Interest will be charged at the rate of 8% above bank base rate.
  • It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the correct item has been chosen to fit the vehicle supplied.  The make, model and year stated refer to the production run of the vehicle not necessarily the actual year of the vehicle.  If clarification is required please check prior to ordering.  If the incorrect product is supplied due to a failure of this then AHAKA will at the customer’s expense, exchange the product so long as it falls within the 7 day return policy.
  • Any information provided as instructions on fitting your item/s are passed on to us from the items manufacturer.  AHAKA cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies with this data and will not be held responsible for any damage caused.
  • We request that customers do not arrange for the fitment of the item until delivery has been made and checked to ensure that the equipment supplied is correct or not faulty in any way.  AHAKA cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred because of this reason or any other reason.
  • If the item is delivered damaged or you suspect the item to be damaged please refuse the item or open and check the contents thoroughly.  If you sign for the item and later claim that it is damaged or that parts are missing we cannot replace the item/s free of charge.
  • The company guarantees that should our products not be below standard or in any way different from what is advertised.
  • If the item develops a fault and it is over 30 days from the purchase date then we will advise on the procedures for claiming under the manufacturer’s warranty.  No claim for any losses relating to a problem with the item can be made.
  • Complaints or non-receipt of goods must be reported to the company in writing within 7 working days of order date.
  • AHAKA will not be held responsible for any costs incurred due to a faulty product.  This clause does not affect your statutory rights.
Privacy and Data Protection
  • AHAKA will not share any address, contact details or payment details with any other parties except for logistic and supplier companies.
  • We may contact you to advise you of any special offers. If you do not wish to receive this notification, please let us know in writing.
Transit Terms and Conditions
  • We select a number of carriers on your behalf in order to transport the package to you as quickly as possible however in the unfortunate circumstance that there is a problem the following will help.
Damaged Parcels
  • If an item is perceived to be damaged this will need to be refused or if available signed for as damaged.  In each case we must be notified within 24 hours of the parcel being delivered, this can be either in writing, by email or by calling our office.  If by email you must receive a response within 24 hours (Automated response not included) otherwise you must call our office.
  • We will then receive a claim number from the carrier and the replacement or missing items will then be dispatched out to you upon the original item being collected and returned to us for inspection.
  • You agree to cooperate with any investigation made by the carrier and with arranging a convenient day for the damaged item to be collected.  If the courier has been unable to collect the item from the customer due to the fault of the customer we reserve the right to charge for future collection attempts.
Missing Parcels
  • If your parcel is missing then this will have to be verified with the courier. As soon as they issue a claims number then a replacement will be dispatched using the same service method.
Towbars & The Law
  • European Law states that all light passenger vehicles registered on or after the 1st August 1998 require a type approved tow bar tested to EC94120. This is not retrospective and does not affect any vehicle registered before this date. Other vehicles not subject to type approval are - commercial vehicles, car derived vans and motor caravans.

Escalón trasero para remolque Nissan NV 200 2010- , Max. Capacidad: 350 kg, Longitud: 60 kg, Se adapta a: 2x90mm / 4x83mmkN, Ejecución robusta y de alta calidad., hace que entrar y salir sea más fácil, menor riesgo de accidentes, polvo revestido