The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Review “When I read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, I could not have known that, some years later, I would be on the receiving end of the type of ‘economic hit’ that Perkins so vividly narrated. The New Confessions resonates with my experiences of the brutish methods and gross economic irrationality guiding powerful institutions in their bid to undermine democratic control over economic power. Perkins has, once again, made a substantial contribution to a world that needs whistle-blowers to open its eyes to the true sources of political, social, and economic power.” —Yanis Varoufakis, former Minister of Finance, Greece “The New Confessions offers deep insights into the nefarious ways economic hit men and jackals have expanded their powers. It shows how they came home to roost in the United States—as well as the rest of the world. It is a brilliant and bold book that illuminates the crises we now face and offers a road map to stop them.” —John Gray, PhD, author of the New York Times 1 bestseller Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus “John Perkins probed the dark depths of global oligarchy and emerged into the light of hope. This true story that reads like a page-turning novel is great for all of us who want the better world that we know is possible for ourselves, future generations, and the planet.” —Marci Shimoff, 1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul “Perkins provides a profound analysis of two forces vying to define the future. One is intent on preserving systems that serve the few at the expense of the many, while the other promotes a new consciousness of what it means to be human on this beautiful, fragile planet. This powerful book inspires and empowers actions that manifest an awakening to our collective ecosystem and the rebirth of humanity—an ECOrenaissance.” —Marci Zaroff, ECOlifestyle pioneer/serial entrepreneur and founder of ECOfashion brands Under the Canopy and Metawear “I loved Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Ten years ago it exposed the real story. The New Confessions tells the rest of that story—the terrible things that have happened since and what we all can do to turn a death economy into a life economy.” —Yoko Ono “The New Confessions is an amazing guide to co-creating a human presence on our planet that honors all life as sacred. It exposes our past mistakes; offers a vision for a compassionate, sustainable future; and provides practical approaches for making the transition between the two. A must-read for anyone who loves our beautiful home, Earth.” —Barbara Marx Hubbard, bestselling author and President, Foundation for Conscious Evolution “As one who has helped thousands of people grow their businesses, I’ve learned firsthand the importance of facing the crises old economic models created and acting positively to develop new approaches. Perkins’s experiences, his exposé of the failures, his clear vision of what needs to be done, his call to action, and the sense of joy he feels for being part of this consciousness revolution are deeply inspiring.” —Sage Lavine, women’s business mentor; CEO, Conscious Women Entrepreneurs; and founder of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy "Conspiracy buffs are most likely to enjoy this updated version of a memoir that was a surprise bestseller in 2004…This revised version, he states, was written to answer the thousands of emails he received from readers interested in what they could do to resist.” —Publisher’s Weekly, February 2016 "Mr. Perkins's core message is that American corporations and government agencies employ two types of operatives: 'economic hit men,' who bribe emerging economies, and ‘jackals,' who may be used to overthrow or even murder heads of state in Latin America and the Middle East to serve the greater cause of American empire. . . . [This} book seems to have tapped into a larger vein of discontent and mistrust that Americans feel toward the ties that bind together corporations, large lending institutions and the government — a nexus that Mr. Perkins and others call the ‘corporatocracy.’” —The New York Times “This riveting look at a world of intrigue reads like a spy novel . . . Highly recommended.” —Library Journal “Ultimately, Confessions is a parable for all Americans who try to deny the heartbreaking fact that our society’s affluence often comes at the wider world’s expense.” —Utne Reader “[A] gripping tell-all book . . . Perkins reveals how the US machine works behind closed doors and how America has exploited others for its own needs.” —Rocky Mountain News “Imagine the conceptual love child of James Bond and Milton Friedman.” —Boston Herald “Perkins claims may seem unthinkable to most Americans. But the evidence, looking at the world economy, is damning . . . the citizens of this country need to be willing to examine the actions of our political and corporate leaders and demand that they stop the destruction that is making the world an increasingly dangerous place to live.” —Charlotte Observer An intriguing, vivid account of Perkins’s “living on the edge” experiences, this fascinating read is of the truth-is-stranger-than-fiction variety. - Library Journal (Lucy Heckman, St. John’s University Lib., Queens, NY) Read more Book Description Featuring 15 explosive new chapters, this new edition of the New York Times bestseller brings the story of Economic Hit Men up-to-date and, chillingly, home to the U. S.―but it also gives us hope and the tools to fight back. Read more See all Editorial Reviews