Srichand Original Thai Scented Powder Traditional Face Mask Makeup Oil Control
Condition : New
Type : Scented Powder
Brand : Srichand
Package : Box 20 g. / Sachet 2 g. (Single Use, Easy To Carry)
Quantity : 2 Boxes / 12 Sachets
Srichand Scented Powder
- Powder for facial mask original formula since 1948
- Helps control oil on the skin surface and absorb excess sebum.
- Suitable for those with very oily skin or who spend a lot of time outdoors.

How to use:
1.Open the lid of the powder cartridge and pour the desired amount of powder onto the palm of your hand for each mask.
2. Mix water in a ratio of 1 part flour and 1 part water.
3. Gradually stir the flour and water together.
4. Apply the original Srichan powder over the face. Or only in the desired area Leave the area around the eyes and lips for 30 minutes or all night and rinse with clean water.

1. Do not use in children under 3 years.
2. Do not use on broken skin. Or there is irritation
3. For external use Do not eat
4. If any abnormality occurs, stop using and consult a doctor.

Notification number: 10-1-5433410

Original formula mask powder that has been with Thai women for over 70 years or as they say Used well since the mother's generation!

The first product of the Srichan brand No matter how many times the appearance has changed, but one thing that we have never changed is the "formula" because For a woman with a very oily face then Must have this original recipe that you can get

Just mix powder and water in the amount of 1 to 1 mask, leave it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Feel the oil drop during the day.

Another important step to a clear face without oil. It is to clean the face after the mask is completely clean. With just as simple steps as this
1. Wash 1-2 times with plain water, do not scrub too hard. And do not use warm water Or hot water to wash your face Because it will make the skin dry It also stimulates the skin to wilt faster.
2. Use facial cleanser (foam or gel) wash one more time by gently massaging the face over. Emphasize spots that feel unclean, such as on the cheeks, forehead, chin, or around the nose. Then rinse with clean water until the cream foam is gone. ** If you feel that it still cannot be washed out, recommend using Cleansing Oil to wipe it off again **
3. Pat your face dry with a handkerchief or towel. Do not rub vigorously as this will cause the skin to be rough.
Just as your face will be oil free. It is also beautiful, clear, without acne as well.