Batman Styled Battery Wraps - For 18650 Batteries

I will include one free battery wrap fitting gauge* with every shipment (only one free per shipment - regardless of the number of wraps ordered). You can order more fitting gauges if required - just add them to your basket.

*The fitting gauge is a custom designed 3D printed item that allows you to push the wrap onto the battery by just the right amount. You cannot get them anywhere else but here!

How to put them on your 18650 battery:

  • Remove the old wrap - don't loose the insulator on the top (looks like a plastic washer - spare insulators are available in this listing if you need them).
  • Slide the battery into the wrap (pinch the wrap to hold it open and ease the battery in - it will be a snug fit).
  • The wrap will be longer than the battery - leave a small overlap at the top and push the battery into the wrap with the fitting gauge using the 18650 side (see the main picture for this listing).
  • Put the insulator back onto the top of the battery.
  • Use a hair dryer* to shrink the wrap onto the battery (do the top first then you don't have to worry about the insulator falling out).
  • * Do not use a flame of any kind to shrink the wraps - you risk damaging them.

Note: The batteries in the pictures are not included - they are there to show how the wraps fit onto a battery.