Years change, handsome Dorian Gray does not. He remains youthfully impervious to the ravages of time. But a portrait of Gray tells another story. It changes with the years, revealing the horrific effects of Gray's debauched life... and the unholy pact he's made with the forces of evil. 
Based on Oscar Wilde's classic novel and filmed in a rapturous, deep-focus style that earned a 1945 Academy Award for Best Cinematography, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY remains unchanging in its power to entertain. Hurd Hatfield plays the rakish title character in this morality tale whose stars also include George Sanders as the Wilde-like dandy who leads Gray to perdition, Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominee Angela Lansbury as a music-hall thrush victimized by Gray, plus Donna Reed and Peter Lawford. Every picture tells a story. But none tells as haunting a tale of terror like THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY. 

Slipcover shows minimal signs of wear, videocassette is in excellent condition.