Check and choose from the pictures your desired pendent.

Sizes from 2.5 cm to 4.5 cm (approx.)

Grossular Garnet exemplifies hope, empowerment, and all things nurturing from Mother Earth. In shades as varied as a magnificent sunrise, to the lush and verdant greens of growth and renewal, it is a stone of prosperity and abundance, encouraging gratitude and service to others.
Grossular Garnet is a calcium aluminium silicate, and ranges in colour from light to dark yellow, gold, orange, scarlet and red, with the more popular shades being green. Its name is derived from the Latin word for gooseberries, because of the light-green similarity of colours to the berries.
As a potent prosperity stone, Grossular Garnet is healing of all limitations on the physical level, in health or wealth. Green Garnet carries an especially regenerative energy and is excellent for those who’ve had money problems and wish to reforms, As a stone of strength, Grossular Garnet will benefit new business ventures, promoting growth and warm client contact. It strengthens stability in lawsuits and challenges, transforming lower forms of response and reaction to loving forms of reply.
Grossular Garnet enhances relaxation and going with the flow, and inspires service and cooperation., It also injects some romance and fun into an over-practical life, boosting passion and energy in a love weighed down by worry. 
Grossular Garnet physical healing properties include aiding in recovery of illness or trauma by regenerating new cell growth and stimulating the blood. It also detoxifies and alleviates inflammations throughout the body and boosts the immune and respiratory system.
Grossular Garnet is an excellent crystal to soothe and reduce emotional extremes, encouraging social growth and service to community.
Associated with the Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras, Grossular Garnet is a deeply spiritual stone teaching appreciation of abundance, from physical wealth to spiritual connection to the Divine. Meditation with Garnet increases fertility, and Tsavorite facilitates communication with higher spiritual realms.