! PatheWings PW-RM 4K HD
→ Natural Cork ←
[Ø 295mm / 11.6"]

This record mat set have diameter of 295 mm / 11.6 in 
It's suitable for turntable platters which have diameter of 295 mm / 11.6 in 
Please check the diameter of your platter before purchase.

PatheWings is proud to present a new kind of record mat, which is marked as HD – ‘High Density’. This specific record mat is made of a special compressed cork. The special technology used for the production and compression of the cork, gives the mat a smooth, skin-like texture. The surface is almost completely uniform, and non-porous.  These features once again offer our customers an opportunity to improve the sound of their audio equipment, for a completely new dimension of listening experience.

The result of PW-RM 4K HD is the perfect marriage between the vinyl record and turntable platter. Enables better sound quality while playing the music. PW-RM 4K HD adhere closely to the vinyl record which suppresses the resonances arising and creates a quiet background. PW-RM 4K HD improves the sound quality of every turntable.

• Diameter: Ø 295mm / 11.6"
• Thickness: 4 mm Cork
• Natural cork - HD

All our mats are made from natural products. In view of the natural environment, the products of which manufacture our mats are certified by stating that they come only from certified cork forests, have been produced based on sustainable forest management and in accordance with environmental standards, for example, such as the NP EN ISO 14001 - see photo.
All our products are cork or combination of a cork with natural rubber has been specially produced for PatheWings in Portugal.

By creating PatheWings assortments we strive to achieve the perfect sound, which gives us the ability to achieve the highest quality products.

The PatheWings products that we offer are the result of our 45 years of experience with sound and music. 
Those sounds create the music!