Jackie Robinson at Spring Training in Havana, Cuba, 1947

Source: Mark Rucker/Transcendental Graphics. I believe this image is in the public domain

Photo Subject: Jackie Robinson signs autographs for fans in Havana, Cuba before a spring training game in 1947.

Fun Fact: In 1947, Jackie Robinson was voted Rookie of the Year by the Baseball Writers Association of American. Some of his other accomplishments were:

While these are impressive achievements, none of these honors speak of the social contribution he made to forever change baseball and American society. Nor am I qualified to comment on the personal sacrifices he made to affect these societal changes.

I love this image of Jackie Robinson signing autographs in Havana, and it is my naive wish that baseball be something greater than just a game. What is not revealed in this image is that the Dodgers’ general manager, Branch Rickey, chose Havana for the 1947 Spring Training for a reason - he feared the reaction local fans would have toward Robinson if Spring Training was held in its normal Florida site.

Original Painting Detail (not this Print): Printed on 13” x 19” canvas and painted using Schmincke Mussini and Marshall’s oil paints. Finer details were made using Prismacolor pencils.

Additional info, go to: baseballoncanvas.com