1 oz. Gravel Root Powder (Eupatorium purporeum)

Gravel Root (Eupatorium purporeum) is a perennial plant deep-rooted to North American, found in damp woodland and meadows in southern Canada and from Maine to Florida and Texas. This wildflowers appear naturally in low moist area, moist wooded slopes, savannas . Gravel Root belongs to Asteraceae (Aster Family). Now a genus of more than 40 species Gravel Root was originally a genus of over 1,000 species until botanists transferred the majority of species to other genera including Ageratina and Bartlettina .

This plant growing to 2 m by 1m . The woody, fibrous rhizome gives one or more hollow stems,and marked with purple where the leaves attach. Flower heads of six or seven flowers, varying from purple to whitish, mature in loose terminal clusters . It flowers in August to October, and the seeds ripen from September to November.The flowers have both male and female organs and are pollinated by Insects. Gravel Root is self-fertile plant. It exhibits anti-lithic, diuretic, and anti-rheumatic actions. Gravel Root is used in the beginning for kidney stones or gravel. In urinary diseases such as urethritis & cystitis.

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