This set contains five high quality resin Gore Legion Backpacks. Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale heavy armoured troopers
Compare to: Warhammer 40,000 (40k), Age of Sigmar (AOS), Kill Team, 3rd party miniature model start collecting combat patrol army collection edition conversion bits - Khorne Kharn Juggernaut Skullmaster Bloodthirsters Legion Black Library Horus Heresy, Daemon, Demon Prince, Chosen Possessed Raptors, Noise Marines Obliterators Tactical Squad Fabius Bile Plague Marines Heretic Astartes Lord Sorcerer Abaddon Havocs Terminators Aspiring Champion Spawn Lucius the Eternal

Great for representing bloodthirsty berzerkers rampaging in the vanguard of Chaos forces.