Grow your own Huang Qi, Chinese Milkvetch, Astragalus Plant and Roots

* 100 Seed Pack (Huang Qi - Bei QiAstragalus Membranaceus

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Astragalus is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.
It has many purported health benefits, including immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. 黃芪  běi qí

Astragalus, also known as huáng qí or milkvetch, is most commonly known for its use in traditional Chinese medicine. The root contains many active plant compounds, which are believed to be responsible for its potential benefits.

Growing & Germination Notes

Astragalus (Huang Qi - Milk vetch) seeds should be soaked for 24 hours prior to planting. If your using Coir pellets then plant 1 or 2 seeds per pellet. Put them into a propagator and place somewhere warm. Ensure that the coir pellets don't dry out but don't over water. Once your seedlings have several sets of leaves they can be transplanted in to growing on pots.

Astragalus Membranaceus seeds have a hard seed coat that needs to be worn down to allow water to penetrate. This process is called scarification and can be accomplished by rubbing the seeds on sand paper or putting them in a bag of course sand and rubbing them together. You can also use a knife to nick the seeds. 

Direct sowing outdoors is recommended over transplanting. The best time to sow milk vetch is early in the spring or in late fall. Astragalus Membranaceus prefers a deep, sandy, loose, slightly alkaline soil. Sow your seeds at a depth of a half inch keeping the soil only lightly moist for germination. A final spacing of 12 inches is ideal, so you can choose to plant seeds in closer increments and thin out the extras. It is especially important to stress that the soil be loose so that the roots can develop well. 

Provide full sunlight for at least eight hours a day for your milk vetch (Huang Qi) seedlings and plants. Astragalus membranaceus often will not require supplemental watering. Water only if the plant looks like it is drying out. 

Package: 100 Seeds of Hua Huang Qi Astragalus Membranaceus (Milkvetch)

100 seeds = 100 plants

Important :
You need to do your own research for successful germination. Advice provided is intended as a guide only and does not guarantee success. Seeds are live products that rely on many important factors such as grower skill, planting time, seed depth, soil type and weather conditions to grow. Germination is affected by many factors that are out of the control the seller and although we do everything we can to get seeds to you in the best possible condition, once you receive your seeds, it is out of our hands. Therefore, we can take no responsibility for any successes or failures you may encounter whist growing our seeds.