"General Ilsa Wolfenstein, Army Commander + 40 mm round base.

Available in resin or white metal. Heroic 28mm scale.


So here is the very much anticipated Ilsa Wolfenstein, Commander-in-Chief of the Iron Empire army. She is a one-of-a-kind leader, as she will not wait behind the lines but will jump right into the fray, seemingly invulnerable. She had her giant claws specially made for her so that she could engage in melee with the terrible Kurganova were-creatures. 

 Compare to: Warhammer 40,000 (40k), Age of Sigmar (AOS), Kill Team, 3rd party miniature model start collecting combat patrol army collection edition conversion bits -Astra Militarum Mordian Iron Guard Commissar Commander Prefectus Tank Commander, Female Girl Space Marine General Chapter Master Assassin

The Iron Empire is made up of exiled people that have somehow stumbled upon necromantic knowledge from alien pharaonic gods. They combine Prussian and Germanic influences with some kind of Aegyptian cyber necromancy that allow them to raise the dead and create bio-mechanical aberrations."