The inexpensive nutritional supplement - for a lifetime.

Since conventional vegetables have fewer and fewer ingredients, a plant as rich in ingredients as spirulina algae makes a lot of sense.

These spirulina tablets are 100% pure and of the best quality. Through our direct sales, we save costs that we pass on to the end consumer.

Contents: 2,500 tablets of 400mg each

Quality features:

High quality raw material, fed from a pure source

Constantly checked quality.

100% pure organic tablets without pressing aid or additives!

The tablet shape makes it ideal for basic supplies for on the go

Consumption recommendation: 5-10 tablets 3 times a day

Spirulina platensis microalgae are one of the most valuable, basic natural substances of our time. In their natural habitat (subtropical alkaline soda lakes), with the help of the primal power of photosynthesis, they form a multitude of essential vital substances in a balanced combination. Spirulina is not a seaweed, but thrives as naturally as possible in alkaline water (pH value 9-11) and is controlled according to the strict German food laws.

Spirulina platensis contains microalgae like hardly any other plant:
- high quality vegetable protein with Allen 8 essential amino acids
- important minerals and trace elements
- numerous vitamins (incl. active vitamin B12)
- beta carotene (provitamin A)
- Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, including gamma linolenic acid
- polysaccharides
- valuable chlorophyll and secondary plant substances

All of these substances are in a concentrated and harmonious form. This ensures the optimal supply of vital substances. The human organism can absorb them particularly well because the cell wall of the spirulina microalgae consists of an easy-to-open multi-sugar coat (mucopolysaccharide coat) without cellulose.

Light particles transmit vital information and thus release higher energy (bioenergy). The quality of a food does not only depend on the ingredients, but also on the Spektrum of light information that it can give off. Spirulina platensis microalgae are characterized by a strong, absolutely harmonious bioenergy pattern. They are able to pass this solar energy on to people and thus have a harmonizing effect.

Spirulina - as old as life itself: Spirulina microalgae have existed for approx. 3.5 billion years on earth. They are among the oldest forms of life. While life around them continued to develop into more and more complex forms, spirulina microalgae remained what they always were masters of photosynthesis. They convert sunlight into pure food. Nutritionists are now rediscovering what high cultures of bygone times used as an ideal, natural source for a comprehensive supply of vital nutrients.

The ORGANIC Spirulina algae from China are controlled under food and organic law in Germany and comply with the strict standards that apply here.

Nutritional information: see product picture
Spirulina platensis microalgae are one of the most valuable, basic natural substances of our time. In their natural habitat (subtropical alkaline soda lakes), with the help of the primal power of photosynthesis, they form a multitude of essential vital substances in a balanced combination. Spirulina is not a seaweed, but thrives as naturally as possible in alkaline water (pH value 9-11) and is controlled according to the strict German food laws. Spirulina - as old as life itself: Spirulina microalgae have existed for approx. 3.5 billion years on earth. They are among the oldest forms of life. While life around them continued to develop into more and more complex forms, spirulina microalgae remained what they always were masters of photosynthesis. They convert sunlight into pure food. Nutri