Bears have always made us happy, whether they were grizzly or polar, black or brown. Our wall art print collection turns empty walls into a sweet and peculiar animal art display.

All wall art posters will be printed on quality materials with high resolution.

Fast delivery to your door. Super easy to frame and hang. A fast way to decorate your nursery, children's bedroom, or living room.

You have options to print on the below materials
✔️Matte photo art paper
✔️Gloss photo art paper
✔️Matte Art Canvas
✔️Fabric wall stickers: die cut to shape, peel and stick, removable, reusable, non-toxic PVC-free fabric with adhesive

We have 3 types of images:
✔️Texture background images will be printed on matte and gloss photo art paper.
✔️White background images will be printed on canvas.
✔️Fabric wall stickers will be die-cut to shape. So there is no background. And the size chosen is just an estimate. The actual size for the fabric wall stickers will be varied on the designs.

If you'd like to change the background colour, please send us a note when the order is placed.

This purchase includes:
‘ready to frame (stick)’ print - frame is not included.

✔️All photographs are unframed
✔️There are no borders on prints
✔️Processing time 1-3 business days

P.S We love to see our prints in your home! 😍🏡
If posting on social media, please tag us #fabricwallstickers.

All rights reserved © Fabric Wall Stickers
📧 For any inquiries just go ahead and contact me. I will be happy to do my best to help you!

Thank you! 😊