Vestre Catalogue 2019 (English)

Product Description

Vestre Catalogue 2019
Concept, art direction, cover, design 
and layout for Vestre Product Catalogue 2019
Vestre is Scandinavias leading manufacturer of outdoor furniture for public spaces, with architects as their main target group. By deconstructing their bestseller furniture in simple geometric shapes we created a sober, yet playfull graphic landscape used on the cover and through the catalogue.
Vestres Product Catalogue is, alongside the web, their most important marketing measure – for information, inspiration and important tool for the target groups to design holistic outdoor projects. In addition to an introduction of Vestres key goals, their emphasis on environment and code of conduct, Vestre´s entire portfolio is presented with product and environmental photos from Europe and USA, technical drawings and price list. This comprehensive catalogue of 320 pages is printed and assembled in 5 different languages with specific regional measurements, in Norwegian, Swedish, German, English and American

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