Following Papa's Song 
Gianna Marino 

A SIGNED 1st EDITION with Whale Drawing ~ Beautiful New Copy

Hardcover. Condition: Fine- NEW Dust Jacket Condition: Fine-NEW.  Marino, Gianna (illustrator). SIGNED by author/illustrator ~ 1ST Edition, 1ST Printing. Little Blue, a young humpback whale, has never made the long migration up the coast, and he is worried about his first long journey with Papa. Heartwarming story with outstanding watercolors. Size: 11 x 10.


“Papa?”asked Little Blue.

“Are we going very far?”

“Yes, Little Blue. We will travel farther

than we have ever gone before.”

As two whales swim together through the big ocean, Little Blue has many questions for Papa, especially ones about the long migration. How will they know the way? Will he be able to keep up? What will they see along the way?

Papa has answers for all these questions, but Little Blue remains curious as they begin their journey. What could be down below, where they can’t see? The answer is a magical world and Little Blue is enchanted . . . until there is only darkness surrounding the young whale.  But if Little Blue is quiet and listens, can Little Blue hear Papa’s song?

Filled with the wonders of the ocean and the comfort of a father’s presence, Following Papa’s Song is a heartwarming story to be read again and again.

About the Author:

Gianna Marino spent her early years galloping horses through Golden Gate Park and writing stories of her adventures. She has traveled throughout the world and now lives in Northern California, where she writes and illustrates full time.