Iain Barr World Champion Choices Flies from former World Champion and AIRFLO tackle consultant and SNOWBEE Fly Consultant.

2017 ANGLIAN WATER CHAMPION (Rutland Water) , 2017 UK INDIVIDUAL Champion (Lake of Mentieth) AND 2017 TROUT MASTERS CHAMPION (Draycote) - Iain Barr World Champion Choices Flies - Flies to take you to the top.....

You're bidding for 5 Silver Straggle Popper Minkies

Fry bashing is now in full swing on many of our reservoirs and noticeably on Rutland at the moment and these are ideal for casting out along the weedbeds and margins.

See IainbarrWCCflyfishing for a full range of World Champions Choice flies.

Happy to refund any additional postage on multiple purchases - if refund not requested will add additional flies.